Nickel Boron bolt carriers...


New member
I probably shouldn't do this, but what the @#$!. Take a look at this pic, can you guess which one is a Fail Zero and which one is R-Guns??? :rolleyes:


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New member
They are probaly exactly the same, just private label packaged for each of those distributors. And the question is?????

If it is the $10 difference in price between the two that is giving you fits, buy the cheaper one.


New member

Actually I only paid $150 from Aim Surplus for the RGun's BCG. The only difference I can find between the two is the gas key screws. It looks like Fail Zero uses stainless hardware. The RGun's BCG has a better stake job. I can post a pic later if anyone is interested.

I tried calling RGuns to get more info about their BCGs... HAHAHAhaha

That is 45 seconds of my life I'll never get back, I will definitely never order anything from them directly.
