Nice shooting.....SLPD !


New member
Two officer involved shootings in two days in St. Louis. Number one, a female officer was investigating an auto accident when one of those involved starting walking away. She started to walk after him and asked him to stop. The idiot turned and shot her in the lower abdomin just under the vest. Impact also broke her femur, the large leg bone. She pulled her weapon and plugged him 3 times. She is in good condition, he is in serious condition. She calmly radioed in that she was hit and maintained her composure enough to describe the perp as he limped away. They followed the blood trail and found him in a hallway a short distance away. Funny thing was the guy had no record.

Second was just yesterday evening. Robber picked the wrong bar. Seems there was an off-duty officer working in the bar when the dummy walks in and annouces a hold up. Boom!...down he goes. He is in serious condition also.

Two for two......

Marko Kloos

New member
Good shooting on the part of the officers.

Too bad that Joe Citizen can't legally defend himself in Missouri against armed criminals....thanks to St. Louis, which outweighed the rest of the state in the last CCW "shall-issue" referendum.


New member
2 for 2????

The first shooting sounds legit but this,

"Second was just yesterday evening. Robber picked the wrong bar. Seems there was an off-duty officer working in the bar when the dummy walks in and annouces a hold up. Boom!...down he goes. He is in serious condition also."

Did this "grey matter" challenged robber pull, point or threaten
before he was shot?


New member
Sad that the "lady cop" took a round, but sounds like she will be OK soon.

Good Guys 2
The Slime 0

This doesn't happen nearly often enough.

:D :D :D :D
Properly trained cops are a benefit to us all.

Rickstir, I am very interested in the female cop shot just below the vest where the impact of the round in the abdomen fractured her femur. The physics sound all wrong (like hitting a person in the ribs and breaking the humerus) and her vest should have been several inches higher than that if she were wearing a typical under the shirt and above the best concealable vest. Struck 'just under the vest' probably was actually quite a bit lower than the vest.


New member
Double Naught Spy

Don't know the physics of it. I was relating what the Chief of police was telling media. He said the one and only round she took was also responsible for her broken leg. All broken bones are painful, but from what I remember as an ambulance attendant 25 years ago, and what the chief said, there is considerable pain involved. She is the single parent of a young son, and is doing better today according to the media. Her fellow officers and the community are rallying around her with support. She will undoubtedly be decorated for her actions after being shot.

FWIW, there was another shooting by SLPD officers last night. Nutcase in an attempted carjacking was stopped, surrounded and tried to back over an officer. The officer did sustain an hand injury. Other officers fired into the vehicle, there is another patient in the prison ward is serious condition. What a genius, with five officers standing around the car, he pulls this stunt.