Nice open carry experience.....


New member
I see a lot of threads on here relating to how Police sometimes respond negatively to open carry of firearms. I had an experience yesterday that I thought I would relate that was quite the opposite.

My father in law and I were going to do a little archery pre-season scouting and tree stand hanging. We loaded up stands, and his ATV and then went to pick up my two nephews who were going along to help. We pulled up in front of their house on the street since I was pulling a trailer. This is in a nice suburban neighborhood in Orange Co. NC.

I had my Ruger P97 in a fobus holster on my hip unconcealed. We were going straight to the woods after picking them up so I didn't feel the need to wear my typical concealment rig or garb. NC is an open carry state so I didn't worry too much about it. That is until I saw the Sheriff's Dept car coming down the street toward us standing beside my truck.

All those threads where people were harrassed for open carry flashed through my head. I was thinking to myself "here we go". I wondered briefly if one of the neighbors had called in a "Man with a gun" report. The officer pulled up beside us and rolled his window down. He saw the ATV and chain on stands on the trailer and said, "gonna hang some stands today?" I replied, "Yes sir." He said, "Be careful and good luck." Then he drove on his way.


New member
All well and good, but I wouldn't want it showing if some nut with an evil black rifle busted into the coffee shop while I was standing at the counter.


New member
Yeah what he /\ said.

Please don't take my post as advocating open carry. I generally frown on the practice. Had I been going anywhere but to pick up my nephews and head to the woods it would have been concealed. I simply find those fobus holsters more comfortable for stomping through the brush and climbing up trees to hang stands.


New member
I was in Hardee's a couple weeks ago, open carring a Makarov, when two of Richmond's finest came in. They walked in, and stood behind me in line. We exchanged "good morning"'s got our biscuits and went and sat down at the tables.


New member
Nice to hear a positive experience.
I was just told about a guy getting thrown out of the Target in Mooresville for open carry.
Nice to hear this.


New member
Yeah open carry is a big iffy. Theres so many gray lines everywhere.

I open carry everywhere, everyday, and no issues or anyone walk up to me yet.

glad your experince was good. Thanks for the post!


New member
Please don't take my post as advocating open carry. I generally frown on the practice. Had I been going anywhere but to pick up my nephews and head to the woods it would have been concealed. I simply find those fobus holsters more comfortable for stomping through the brush and climbing up trees to hang stands.
Yeah, I understand. It's "not advised" where I am, but there are times I wouldn't go to the trouble of covering it if I didn't have to - like dropping a kid off at a friend's or going to the range.
Up at my summer camp I always have it open. I've inadvertently stepped off my property a few times. One time a snooty visiter was walking his dog past my land and my dogs went out to "greet" him. He exclaimed that I should "keep the law in mind". I told him he should too, since he was on a private road.