Nice grips for Ruger SP101


New member
Hey all,

Last week I picked me up a nice SP101... so far I love it. I want to get myself some wood grips for it. I did some searching around, however I am so foreign to this item I am looking for some help.

Can any of you recommend me a good brand? I know there are 100's out there and I am not sure if some are a waste of time... if so please share too. I do not mind spending some $ but I really don't think $70 is appropriate for a small piece of wood... if I am wrong please correct me.

If you have a website I can order them from that is a huge plus, please list it.
If you have pictures to share of your SP101 with the grips on it, I would love that as well.


Andy Taylor

New member
I have an SP101 that I carry that is currently wearing a Hogue Monogrip in rubber. It is a great grip, but wood would be nicer for CCW and for looks. I plan on getting either the Hogue in wood or the Badger Grip. I have the Badger on a Colt revolver and it is wonderful.

That said, $70 is not out of line for a nice piece of wood. I have paid more for some of my S&W grips. Remember if the grips are handmade, there is several hours, if not several days worth of labor involved. If they are machine made, well that machinery must be bought and maintained, and have a person to run it. Also wood blanks themselves can often sell for $40-$50 or more each for something with some nice grain to it. I have seen wood blanks intened for rifle stocks sell for $500-$600 or more. Although I am sure that a company such as Hogue, that buys wood in quantity, gets better pricing.

Oh and congrats on the Ruger. It is a good, solid gun. Mine is a 3" in .357. how about yours?


New member
I recently picked up some pearl grip inserts for my SP101 from Altamont- they have a nice selection, and the prices are very reasonable.....


New member
I love those Hogues... what make are they... recommendation as to where to pick some up? Inserts I am sort of new too. I take it you purchase a rubber/plastic "shell" type of piece, and then the inserts can be changed in and out of them?
Since this will prim. be a carry piece I guess sticking with the rubber ones I own is really all I need and more practical, however wood is damn fine looking.

Doug Add

New member
I have a cocobolo Hogue grip on mine:


It is a cosmetic second on which I could never find a flaw, but was nonetheless cheaper than retail. I got it from the Hogue auction site. Unfortunately, they don't have any listed right now.

Andy Taylor

New member
Yes the plastic panels on the stock grips can be swapped out for wood.
And rubber is not necessarily more practical for carry. Really depends on how you carry. I find that rubber grips can "grab" the cover garment and cause printing, or can even hold the garment up and expose the weapon if you bend over or something. Whereas with wood, or other non-sticky grip material, the cover garment tends to just slides over the grip and keeps the weapon concealed better. YMMV.


New member
Badger boot grips!

I have a pair installed on my SP hammerless, and they serve a much larger purpose than just "looks".

On the Badgers, the angle of the grip is changed, to a more severe rake, and I love it. I actually points much like my Glock :p

Also, the rubber grips that come stock on SP's are sticky, and allow your clothing to stick to the grip, printing, and announcing to those who notice these things: GUN!

Grips can change the whole nature of a weapon... do not be afraid of spending 60-90 bucks for a good set of wood. (then spend another 40-60 bucks for a front night sight!)