Nice episode of Bizarre Foods

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Andrew goes to New Mexico, shoots prairie dogs and comments on how he likes to shoot guns with clips of nice big guns! Then he shoots an dog with a neat AR. Later he uses a bolt gun for buffalo.

The Food Channel is quite gun friendly. Alton Brown, Zimmern, Bourdain, Ming Tsai - all have happily shot guns.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
He likes to shoot full auto, hunts and hung out with Ted Nugent (that might not be a recommendation). You have to watch the classic episode where he eats the wart hogs tush in Africa.

I like that channel can show guns in a context that show they are fun and have utility in a quite normal fashion.

Better than that crap like Son of Guns or American Guns. They are not role models. But I don't want to start that up again.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Brown didn't shoot a gun but he certainly has displayed 'tactical' knives aplenty. However, he is well known as a gun guy and has posted pictures of himself with a SCAR on the range and his support for the RKBA.

I first noticed something 'strange' about him when he hunted mushrooms with a Sypderco police.


Bourdain has done a number of shows where he was invited to shoot with his hosts. The best was the show he did with Ted Nugent. Now that guy has some fun toys.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
So relaxing after today's match, I watch Andrew's show about Austin. He goes to game ranch near town and harvests an exotic with a high power rifle with a suppressor. So not to scare the animal. Surprisingly, they show him take the shot and take down the critter with one hit at a significant distance.

Then, they stick some electrodes up the .... of the critter to bleed it out faster. That's new to me.

He seems quite the decent shot for a NYC foodie. :D


New member
Anthony Bourdain is the man... he drinks excessively in his show (Vietnam I, II, Russia II)... a wise man once told me shooting guns is the best cure for a hangover... if you note he is almost always blotchy faced when he does fire a weapon. ;)
(But sober at the time I would hope, "because guns and alcohol don't mix")