NH Housewife who asked Gore about Clinton rape question is hit with IRS audit

Jack 99

New member
Watch out if you ever cross the Clintons.

This from www.boortz.com



Remember Katherine Prudhomme? She's the Derry, N.H., housewife who asked some rather incisive questions of Al
Gore during a campaign stop last December. Basically, she asked Gore to say whether he believed Bill Clinton raped
Juanita Broaddrick.

Katherine Prudhomme has now been hit with an IRS audit--just hours before she was scheduled to appear at a rape
awareness rally outside Hillary Clinton's campaign headquarters in Manhattan. The IRS says she owes them $1,500.

Welcome to the club, Mrs. Prudhomme. You've joined a rather exclusive club--one that includes such Clinton-scandal
luminaries as Paula Jones, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, and Gennifer Flowers. The Clinton administration has shown us
yet again that they have no qualms about using the power of government against their political enemies.

Jack 99

New member
'Scuse me, Dagnus, for saying so, but you just gave me a good laugh.

Worldnetdaily and other right-wing news sources have been targeted by the IRS for years and have filed several lawsuits. You don't hear a peep from the media (even though this is a SERIOUS 1st Amendment issue) and the one congressional hearing on the issue was, I believe, canceled.

Nobody wants to touch the IRS with a ten-foot pole, certainly not your elected representative. Just one more reason to never, ever give up the RKBA.


New member
Yep, starting in 1994 there were several "right-wing" organizations that got long-term audits. The Christian Coalition was one, I believe, and the NRA is still going through their audit. Hadn't heard until now about the housewife, but I'm not surprised in the least. Remember, the Clintons learned everything they know from their Watergate experience. Trouble is, we don't have a John Dean to expose them.

Want to send a message to Bush? Sign the petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/monk/petition.html and forward the link to every gun owner you know.


New member
Maybe Dubya could mention this at one of his bigger stops . Get the word out .


Keiller TN

New member
Try saying "no, I won't pay" to the IRS. They said I owed $50 dollars this year (above what I paid). I don't think they are right, but who am I to argue? If I don't pay, I will wind up paying more than the $50, especially if I try to fight. Imagine if they did this to every tax payer. Who's going to argue? They have a lot more guns than I do, too.

"Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain that build it:
except the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain." (Psalm 127:1)

"Freedom is given to the human conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility."
(Alexander Solzhenitzyn)

[This message has been edited by Keiller TN (edited August 21, 2000).]


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Keiller TN:
Who's going to argue? They have a lot more guns than I do, too.

<A HREF="http://www.a-human-right.com/RKBA/fed/irs.jpg" TARGET=_blank>


Heck, I think Oleg said it pretty well with this poster. I like to print them out occasionally and post them on public bulletin boards to shake people up.

[This message has been edited by Dizzipator (edited October 12, 2000).]