NGD!!! Finally!!!


New member
I have looked forward to the new SIG P365 since January, and now I finally have it. Glad I put a deposit down. It feels great in the hand, points well, smooth trigger, great sights. I'm well aware of the problem with the initial batches that went out...I'm hopeful it has been worked out. A few pics, one next to my Kahr CM9 for size reference.




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New member
Thanks! This is the first handgun in a long time that I was just chomping at the bit to get at. I believe it was $525. LGS received two about 6 weeks ago and a man had already put a deposit down. I put down a deposit maybe a month ago or so. They received nine of them today, and they all had deposits on them.


New member
You just gained about a hundred new followers!

(Well, your new 365 did, but we all like you too! :D )

I have a Walther PPS M2 that I really like. In its smallest configuration (still almost 1" longer than the 365, and the same 1" width) it carries 6+1. I upped that to 7+1 with a magazine spring/follower from Maggots for about $20, and that works well. Usually it's no trouble to conceal the extended (7+1) magazine, and Magguts is supposed to have a spring to increase that to 8+1 here soon.

But I've always marveled that it's not THAT much smaller overall than my double stack, G19-sized gun. Unless I'm in dress clothes or a somewhat snug T-shirt, it doesn't offer that much more concealment since I carry AIWB. But I give up half my capacity to gain that sliver of concealment.

Hence my interest (and a billion others I'm sure) in the 365. I could pack that little guy with its 12 round magazine in the same space (and shorter barrel!) than my PPS with a 7 round magazine. That's crazy. It could be a truly deep concealment option.

Really interested in how you'd judge its accuracy (well, your accuracy with it) vs. other single-stack guns. I can definitely see where it would become someone's EDC for all seasons, all reasons. Clearly Sig is banking on that (and surely everyone else will suddenly start cloning that design to compete).

I have to say, toting around a CZ P-07 does get tiresome after a long day. The 365 gives up only 3 rounds to it with the extended mag, and it's still shorter! (But I'm dead accurate with my P-07 and less so with smaller guns).

Anyways, I'll quit blabbing. Please post results!!! Be sure to run at least 2,000 rounds on your first range day so we get the full story:D


New member
I'm curious if its a true "jeans pocket" gun. If I can get 10 rounds in place of the normal 6 in 9MM it has my interest


New member
You just gained about a hundred new followers!

(Well, your new 365 did, but we all like you too! :D )

I have a Walther PPS M2 that I really like. In its smallest configuration (still almost 1" longer than the 365, and the same 1" width) it carries 6+1. I upped that to 7+1 with a magazine spring/follower from Maggots for about $20, and that works well. Usually it's no trouble to conceal the extended (7+1) magazine, and Magguts is supposed to have a spring to increase that to 8+1 here soon.

But I've always marveled that it's not THAT much smaller overall than my double stack, G19-sized gun. Unless I'm in dress clothes or a somewhat snug T-shirt, it doesn't offer that much more concealment since I carry AIWB. But I give up half my capacity to gain that sliver of concealment.

Hence my interest (and a billion others I'm sure) in the 365. I could pack that little guy with its 12 round magazine in the same space (and shorter barrel!) than my PPS with a 7 round magazine. That's crazy. It could be a truly deep concealment option.

Really interested in how you'd judge its accuracy (well, your accuracy with it) vs. other single-stack guns. I can definitely see where it would become someone's EDC for all seasons, all reasons. Clearly Sig is banking on that (and surely everyone else will suddenly start cloning that design to compete).

I have to say, toting around a CZ P-07 does get tiresome after a long day. The 365 gives up only 3 rounds to it with the extended mag, and it's still shorter! (But I'm dead accurate with my P-07 and less so with smaller guns).

Anyways, I'll quit blabbing. Please post results!!! Be sure to run at least 2,000 rounds on your first range day so we get the full story:D
Babble on, my friend! Because I am in Texas, clothing is very light probably 10 months out of the in T-shirt and shorts/jeans. I carry front crossdraw, and my go-to IWB carry is the Kahr CM9. Extremely small, well-made, highly concealable, light, and smooth trigger. One caveat....low capacity. When I want more capacity, I carry my XD mod 2 9mm. Much thicker though. The CM9 CAN be used as a true pocket gun, but for that duty I carry either a SIG P238 or Kahr CW380.

So this SIG P365 will hopefully fill the same primary niche that the Kahr does now, but with much more capacity. I'm going to shoot after work today with a 200 round box of WWB, and 40 rounds of Underwood 9mm +P. Gave it a good cleaning last night...this little guy comes caked in "lubrication".

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New member
Made it to the range today, and WOW, loved the P365. I could not be happier. To the bottom right is my first 10 round magazine, shot quickly at about every half second. I had a little better feel for the trigger take-up in the second 10 rounds, and shot a little slower about every second or so on the bottom left. This was at roughly 7 yards. Not too shabby.

I brought along the Kahr CM 9 for comparison. As most know, the Kahr has a butter-smooth trigger. I found the SIG trigger to have a very identifiable take-up, and then palpable "breaking glass" as it fires. The Kahr is smoother all of the way through...the SIG takes up and then lightly breaks. The reset is much shorter thsn the Kahr.

I fired 200 WWB, and 40 Underwood 124gr +P rounds today. Not even a hint of a problem. I actually took a video of shooting the P365 and CM9 one handed back to back with some full power rounds, but I can't get it to load to show. They don't look all that different, but I did feel like the SIG had less perceived/felt recoil. It feels great and points extremely well...and definitely hits what you point at. The sights are excellent. It has smooth, clean lines and in my Vedder LightTuck front crossdraw holster, disappears with ease. If it has anywhere near the consistency and reliability of my other SIG's (W.German P220, W.German P245, P226 Tacops, and P238 Equinox), this handgun truly is as advertised...a game changer. A micro single stack sized handgun that can hold 11 or 13 rounds. Impressed, but hey, I guess I have a few thousand more rounds to shoot.

P.S. The boys at the gunrange swarmed to it...they had not seen or held one yet either. Lots of ooooh's and aaah's, and "think I'm gonna have to put money down on this one".

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New member
Congrats! Glad you like that little thing.

I have been impressed they jammed so many rounds into such a package, but the one I tried was just too small for my hands, I can't seem to go any smaller than a Glock 26, which is fine since that conceals plenty fine for me.

Glad folks like the 365 though, several family members will be excited for them I know.

It will be interesting to see how the mags hold up, and what the final prices end up being for the gun and mags.


New member
Congrats! Glad you like that little thing.

I have been impressed they jammed so many rounds into such a package, but the one I tried was just too small for my hands, I can't seem to go any smaller than a Glock 26, which is fine since that conceals plenty fine for me.

Glad folks like the 365 though, several family members will be excited for them I know.

It will be interesting to see how the mags hold up, and what the final prices end up being for the gun and mags.
I have a similar problem and my hands aren't even very large. I have a PPS M2 that's about the best single-stack shooter I've tried so far, and I still find it hard to control during rapid fire. I put on Talon grips and it helped...some. I could add a Hogue rubber grip, which would covert it to the thickness of a G26, in which case I should just get a thicker gun.

I look forward to trying the P365. I hope I can control it. If all it gives me is 10 misses instead of 6, it's not a good value for me :)


New member
Second day at the range, and not the slightest sign of a hiccup with the little P365. It has been absolutely flawless in every way. Now, I don't plan on reporting on every day at the range, but wanted to share the circumstances and results of this one.

The first day I shot, it was fed only WWB and Underwood 124gr +P...good ammunition. Today, about 300 more rounds of different makes were fired, and several different people shot it.
We shot Underwood, WWB, Federal Aluminum, Monarch, Tula, and maybe the dirtiest, worst stuff I've come across, Perfecta from WalMart.

Some folks from work were there shooting as well. A small, young lady...a middle aged woman, and my Glock-loving shooting friend. I was interested if the ladies would limp-wrist it and cause some failures (they're fairly inexperienced shooters), and in my buddies accuracy. Not one failure, and my buddy was tearing one large ragged hole.
I will be treating this handgun the same as I have treated my Kahr CM9 in that, no matter what handguns I am taking to the range, I will put some rounds downrange with my primary carry.

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New member
While I don't think you need to do a report every trip, I would be interested in hearing say every 500 or 1000. I'm curious how this does long term, and moreso how those mags do. My only wonder is if cramming that many rounds in that small of a magazine will lead to a short spring life, but that's yet to be seen.