NFA gun talk turning gun folks into liberals?


New member
I know this topic should be in the NFA section, but figured it would get more attention here. Moderators, feel free to move it if it needs to be.

Even though I live in liberal infested Cali, my town is VERY gun friendly. However lately I seem to be getting into heated arguments over NFA guns. It's so weird because we all can just be talking about normal guns and all of a sudden I say something about a suppressor for my 10/22 and my friends just about wet their pants over it. They're all like "dude, that's illegal. Only military can have that." I try to explain to them that NFA guns AREN'T illegal. They're just regulated. They just don't seem to get it. Then eventually they will say something like "nobody needs to own a machinegun." I mean come on. We don't NEED to own any type of gun. We just choose to. It really bothers me because I really like my shooting buddies and pro-gun friends, but I feel like I could be ruining friendships. I don't like to argue with my friends. It's almost like they turn liberal on me.

Anyone else here ever experience debates like that? If so, I would appreciate some advice on how to deal with it better than arguing or stepping down from my argument.


Nobody NEEDS to own a Corvette, or a Porsche.

In Europe, supressors are actually encouraged, to cut down on noise pollution. In America, Hollywierd always assigns the use of supressed weapons to the BAD GUYS, and off we go.

The Swiss allow automatic weapons to be kept in the homes of the militia. Everyone knows how many times we've seen blood in the streets of Switzerland.The picture conjured up about machineguns is usually the WWII/Korean era image of Browning 1919A4s against a charging horde of enemy. Mowing them down by the hundreds. The truth of the matter, that any automatic capable weapon is a "machinegun", be it a Browning M2, or an old Astra Machinepistol, requires research beyond the media.:)


New member
Whenever I talk to someone about my suppressor the most common responce is, "neato". Followed by, "What do you have to do to get one of those." I dispell alot of rumors by just talking to people.

Most people also agree that it will be fun to see the Prarie Dogs wonder *** is going on when their buddy blows up and they don't hear anything but the sonic crack.:D


New member
Define "very gun freindly", a 10/22 and a Rem 700 ain't gonna cut it. WOuld these folks own FAL's, AK's and AR15's?


New member
I guess some folks are just comfortable with their rights being plucked away.
Somewhere down the line they have been tainted by the "far left".
The folks I have talked to about gun laws prove themselves ignorant.
We should outlaw ALL gun's, SUV's, big oil, and put filters on the butts of bovine just so the "left" can have their way....sheeesh!!:rolleyes: :mad:


New member
I agree that these friends of mine need some NFA gun trigger time. At the age of 7 years old I have shot 6 different types of full autos at my uncle's ranch. And that's just full auto and not counting the SBSs/SBRs/suppressed guns I have shot. Not trying to brag or anything. Just stating a point. I think that maybe if my friends got to shoot the cool NFA guns I have shot then maybe that will give them the initiative to do a little more research on NFA laws before complaining and trying to act like they know everything whenever I bring them up in a conversation.


New member
Being a "liberal" seems to be some kind of congenital brain disease.

I hear the same krap in Montana and Idaho.

Big Don

New member
Maser, this is an excellent opportunity to counter the crap your friends have been hearing, reading and seeing in our oh-so-left leaning media. Don't back off from something you know is right. Have some quick info stashed someplace handy (backpack?) and be prepared to pepper them with FACTS. Tell them how many states allow citizens to own fully automatic firearms (like right next door in Nevada and Arizona), tell them how many "machine guns" have actually been used in crimes (basically, none), etc. Get them to go to web sites that will dispute the crap they've been handed. Then take them out to shoot and start off with smaller calibers, working your way up the scale (even for the macho dudes who think they're ready for the .44 mag.)
BTW, yes, we do NEED to own guns. Do not fall into that trap of thinking we don't. We need them to defend ourselves against enemies, both foreign and domestic. ;)


New member
So to be gun friendly people have to own a certain type now?

You have any idea how many "gun friendly" people would have no issue with a ban on anything that wasn't a bolt, pump or lever operated rifle?:mad:


New member
nobody needs to own a
....[insert any type of firearm here].

Yep, welcome to one of the prime talking points for Democrats, especially the liberal ones (who, incidently, control the Democratic party at this time).

The Democrats have already proposed a bunch of anti-gun legislation. But don't worry about it -- I'm told that they will never attempt to pass the legislation due to the damage it would cause to the party. :rolleyes: