News Flash: "Assault Weapons" already a felony in Conn

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New member
The gun they pulled out of the trunk of his car did not look like an AW, it looked more like a shotgun the way the trooper pumped it to empty the chamber. Was an AW even used ?
rebs said:
The gun they pulled out of the trunk of his car did not look like an AW, it looked more like a shotgun the way the trooper pumped it to empty the chamber. Was an AW even used ?
The gun in the trunk of the car was a Saiga shotgun. The shooter used either a Bushmaster AR-15 or a Bushmaster M4gery. The OP is correct -- Connecticut has a state AWB in force, and has had it since before the expiration of the Federal AWB in 2004. The police have already confirmed that the weapons were stolen from the mother, who bought and owned them legally. That makes the math easy.

Assault weapons = illegal

Weapons used = legal

Legal =/= illegal

Ergo (can't do the math symbol for that in plain text): Weapons used =/= assault weapons.
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The mainstream media and the politicians are desperately trying to cover this fact up.
Given that Governor Malloy pointed out Connecticut's AWB in his news conference this afternoon, that's a pretty sloppy coverup.


New member
I wouldn't call it a cover up, but What Tom said about Governor Malloy's comments are the first I've heard of it, so I would say that the media is leaving it out of thier coverage, presumably because it doesn't fit with thier narrative.
≠ Like This?

No, I was referring to the pyramid one with a single dot over two dots, indicating the logical conclusion of the progression. Like this, but on one line, and with the upper dot centered between the lower two:

. .

Conn. Trooper

New member
He used the Bushmaster on the victims, and the Glock on himself. Quite possibly the worst thing I have seen in 16 years of LE. Over 150 rounds fired. The major crime squad is still on scene counting spent rounds and bullet strikes.

Conn. Trooper

New member
There is no ban in CT on high cap mags. He had 9 loaded Pmags on him. The Sig I didn't personally see, but it had 20 round mags, so maybe the Tac-Ops?


New member
I still can't even look at the news fully, but did read how this kid had augsburger syndrome and was messed up.

Even the most strict laws were evaded by stealing from (parent) could be anyone.

My question:
If Mother knew this kid was unstable, how could she leave the weapons without proper locks or in safe? I think the Mother is just as liable as the messed up kid. She knew what she was doing. The kid obviously did not and was not thinking like a normal human being.


bittorrent, it's "Asperger" Syndrome. It's a questionable diagnosis; I heard they removed Asperger's from the DSM as of DSM-V, and some people think Asperger's is a kind of high-functioning autism.


New member
The word "weapon" is not defined in Federal law. A weapon, by dictionary definition is any item used offensively or defensively on another person. So, a rock can be a weapon. A firearm becomes a weapon if used upon another person. The appearance of the firearm does not define it as a weapon.
Federal BATF regs do define an "assualt rifle". That definition requires it to be full automatic.


New member
Unfortunately, Asperger's or not, most school shooters are out cast loners. Most of them are, or have been medicated. Its not just school shooters look at the loon Loughner and the Aurora theater shooter.

What do we do about it? I don't know, but there is no getting around the common profile.


New member
Federal BATF regs do define an "assualt rifle". That definition requires it to be full automatic.

Isn't that why they had to go with "assault weapon?" That can be defined however is convenient at the time since no actual definition exists. It covers rifles, pistols, and shotguns across the board with certain features.


New member
I haven’t had "augsburger" syndrome since they stopped brewing it 10 years ago.

Ok enough off color humor; I have been reading so much crazy stuff about this kid all of it can't be true. I ever read yesterday the shooter had some kind of disorder where he could not feel pain? So he burned himself with lighters to try and feel pain? Sounds like this guy was a good candidate for some kind of permanent residential treatment.

Bottom line, the shooter was really mentally screwed up. It could be argued that it was irresponsible for the mother to give a mentally disturbed individual access to her weapons, but she paid the price for that already and I am not one to rag on the departed.
Assault weapons ban or not the law actually "worked". The shooter tried to buy a rifle but reportedly walked off once he learned of the waiting period. This is a case where perhaps the waiting period “worked”.
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