News about another Al Qada strike...


New member
News about another Al Qaeda strike...

... I'm hearing this on all our radio stations the whole day (today!!!):

... Al Qada anounced another strike against the US in August ... Osama Bin Laden also said that after the strike he will send a message via video tape ... it is not confirmed whether the strike is planned against the troops in Afghanistan or against (and within) the US itself ...

... now - I tried CNN and all sorts to find out more - nothing .... am I sleeping and dreaming about hearing a fluke? ... is it one of those Africa things, where the news arrive via banana-boat? ... is it an out dated rumour ... has anybody heard, read about it and can thus possibly confirm/discard that? ...

cheers and beers
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New member
"Truth is the first casualty of war."

We've been at war for MANY decades with occassional flurries of overt hostilities.

Believe nothing you hear before the fact and no more than half of what you see.

Everybody lies.

Best to you! :D


New member
Yo Blackhawk ... long time no see :D

... the thing is, that I feel a bit stupid and embarrassed posting this here (especially 'cause I found no confirmation on any of the news agency's web sites) ... on the other hand - how can that be? ... we are three people here in this office and every hour when they brought the news, we looked at each other with exactly this face >>> :confused: ...

... this is freaky and weird s**t ... I sure want to ask the station regarding their news source first thing tomorrow morning (I don't even wanna try asking the **** that's sitting there at the moment :rolleyes: ) ...

... glad nobody shot the messenger so far ...


New member
Fox News just had an "Expert saying "Al Qaeda likes to announce it's plans a month or so ahead of time for the fear factor" Then not three sentances later he said "Al Qeada doesn't tell its plans ahead of time"!

Yes, we have no bananas...

BTW The show's host said that for some reason, Osama and Al Qeada stopped using electronic communictions. "They SOMEHOW figured out we were listening to them a few years ago"!!!! NO! Go figure.

Some slimebag "in the know" leaked the info to the news and the news weasels, with no regard for our troop safety or the outcome of the fight on terrorism, blabbed the info to the four corners of the Earth non-stop until the BGs stopped using sat-phones. (Sometimes I wonder if the news weasel shouldn't go with our troops and walk point to help them get a better story.)


New member
Bull****. They're done, it's over, they have no objective this time. The media is just grasping at straws because they cannot possibly comprehend the fact that the "terrorism" threat is over and all their groovy graphics and news tickers are just useless junk.

(the use of quotation marks should not be construed to mean that it was not a horrific act, but that it does not fit the strict definition of the word)


Moderator Emeritus
Considering that we're pushing almost a year since 9/11 and the other shoe still hasn't dropped, they need to "leak" stuff every now and again lest Joe Citizen and Suzy Soccermom notice that the government monitoring probes stuffed up their distal ends are getting a mite uncomfortable and cause Tom Ridge to find himself filling out the paperwork to receive unemployment checks.

Jamie Young

New member
If I was an Al Quada member with a nuke I'd set it off August 7th or 9th as a slap in the face to the US. Paranoia aside.....;) if anything is going to happen in the US it would happen if/when we hit Iraq. But look at how many terrorist attacks happened last time......ZERO!!!! How many Iraqis took a stand to defend their country last time???? We could have walked into Baghdad during the Persian Gulf War if we wanted to.

I bet 3/4 of the 10,000 or so Al Quada members are happy living in the US, with all its material goodies(Alcohol,TVs,Internet Porn) that they couldn't have in Afghanistan and they aren't interested in blowing themselves up for anybody;) Life's too good here.
If I lived in Afghanistan I'd be thinking about blowing Myself up too. The concept of getting on a plane and going to America is better though.

My personal opinion is Bin Laden is dead. The threat isn't over though.


Staff Emeritus
How many times since Sept 11 has some breathless talking head popped up on CNNABCCBSNBCMSNBC and stated in perky tones that there is a terror attack planned for X significant date?

First it was sometime in October 2001. Then Christmas. And New Years. And who could forget the dire predictions for July 4?

The false alarms got so bad that Der Department of Homeland Security issued colour codes. And then had to go back and refine those colour codes.

Pfagh. The news media has taken on the role of the little boy who kept screaming, "Wolf!" in the old faerie tales.



New member
... never liked the "sensation lust" reporters strive on ... especially because of the "wolf-tale" effect ... scary tale ...

... didn't know, that you guys had so many false alarms ... but then again, news in Africa arrive via banana boat or bicycle ...