Newbie questions


New member
I've asked some questions on this board before, and gotten some very good answers. I've loaded some (100) 357 mags, and they shot very well. For particulars: Starlite brass, 160 gr JSP, 7.0 gr Unique, Winchester small pistol magnum primers. All done on a single-stage press using Lee dies w/ Lee Factory Crimp die.

Now for the questions... I bought the ABC's of Reloading and the Richard Lee Modern Reloading (2nd edition). Both are great! However, the Modern Reloading doesn't seem to list which primers to use for different loads. I admit I haven't read every page yet, but... is it not there?

I also am getting ready to start loading 44 mag. I bought Starlilte brass and 240 gr JSP bullets. I plan to use Unique with 9.3 gr. But, since Modern Reloading doesn't list primers, I went to Alliant for that. They list Federal 150. Here is where I run into a problem. The local gunstore doesn't have Federals. They carry Winchester. That wasn't a problem with the 357, because they have the small pistol magnums. But, Federal 150 is listed as just a large pistol primer ( not magnum). The Winchester version has no difference noted for large pistol primer and large pistol magnum primer. ( both called WLP). Is that something I need to be concerned about, or am I just being anal?

Thanks for all the help I've gotten here!

Jim Watson

New member
Unique does not need magnum primers.

The fine print in the manuals will tell you to go back to the -10% starting load if you change any component. But 9.3 gr Unique and a 240 gr .44 JSP is already almost 10% under the Alliant maximum of 10.3 gr.

I would load them with Winchester primers and go.
(You will find that the WLPs are labeled "for standard and magnum loads" anyhow. They are a little hotter than other standard primers to ignite Winchester Ball powders.)


New member
Richard Lee has noted in his manuals that the load info is "general" being a sort of average fo a wide variety of brands of primers and bullets. Unless you are loading for match use, probably what Jim has posted will do you just fine. If you get to the point where you are concerned with tiny fractions of MOA, then buying the bullet makers' loading manuals will be of help.

Since you have read his book, you will know that Mr. Lee is less than enthusiastic about Federal primers, due to the fact that they are made from a different, hotter burning chemical than other primers and can be more destructive if mishandled and allowed to chain detonate. However, match shooters the world over use Federal gold medal primers and have few if any accidents if ---they follow SAAMI guidelines---for handling primers.

I've used both magnum and standard federal primers in .357 mag loads and do not see a significant difference in performance of the cartridge. I'm not shooting match loads, but just plinking with my lifetime supply of Unique. I would hesitate to use any other brand of standard primer in a .357 mag match load, though.