Newbie 9mm


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I am looking for a 9mm. Something under $500. any suggestions would be great! Thanks for all the help this forum is really great!

Blue Heeler

I can't think of anything better than a CZ 75. They are well made, easy to shoot and easy to disassemble. Their best feature is their 'pointability' the ergonomics are first class. Standard, out of the box, they group pretty well for most things. Bearing in mind they are not finished to a competition level they are as good as any other stock 9mm.
The best thing you can do before actually shooting one is to hold one and see how well it fits and points.

XD Niner

New member
I recommend an XD-9 Service or Tactical. I am totally impressed with this pistol. Do a search and you will find many who feel the same.


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I concur with the Springfield XD as well as the Browning Pro-9.

The Springfield is Double Action Only and the Browning is a traditional Double Action on the first pull and Single Action afterward. I have both and the Browning Pro - 9 is extremely accurate with the Springfield being a close second.


New member
Hrmmm...good value 9mm pistols of high quality. Lemme four....

MRI Baby Eagle
Springfield Armory XD-9
FN High Power

It just depends on what you're looking for. I, as always, prefer the MRI Baby Eagle. I wouldn't sneeze at any of the others, though. All are extremely high quality, extremely accurate, and of decent reliability.

If you're looking for steel, go for the MRI Baby Eagle. If the grips are too slim for you, go for the CZ-75. If you want polymer and utter safety, go with the XD-9. If you want style and history, go with the High Power.


New member
Wynterbourne wrote:

"If you want polymer and utter safety, go with the XD-9."

i wouldnt call a gun utterly safe when it doesnt even have a true manual safety.


New member
XD is a great choice,
Taurus 24/7 is also a great choice for the prince range in question.

on a cheaper (price wise) note, a makarov is NEVER a bad choice...
for around 250 to 300 you can pick up a Russian makarov, and all i hear is good things about those, many cops around here carry those as personal concealed off duty guns, some people ive met claim to put about 15k rounds through them without failure.


New member
Hey guys thanks for all of the help. I will be really looking into the Browning and the XD. I am also looking at a S&W Sigma Series. A buddy of mine has one and he really likes it. I have had the chance to shoot it and I like it also. Does anyone have or had one one, had any problems with it?


New member
the Springfield XD-9 is an excellent gun for the money. I own the 4" model and love it. I've also had good luck with the Ruger Semi-autos, Rugers aren't pretty but they are rugged guns.


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You should be able to buy a new Browning Pro-9 for about $500.00. It's a sweet shooting gun and comes with a really nice decocker. The HP's will cost more new, but any Browning is a well made gun.

Good Luck


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What do you guys think of the SW99. I should be able to get that at right about $500 or so right? I still have some time, i will not be buying until March, so this gives me time to do pleanty of research before i buy. There is also a new Beretta coming out. The PX4 Storm. Anybody heard anything on those... They are only avail to LEO right now, but hopefully will be avail to the public before March. That one is supposed to list right about $500.


New member
i wouldnt call a gun utterly safe when it doesnt even have a true manual safety.

XD's are extremely simple. If you don't hold the grip safety and make a deliberate pull on the trigger, it's not going to fire. You can throw it, slam it, toss it, and it's not going to fire unless BOTH of those conditions are met.

In fact, the number one complaint about the XD's safety features, is that the grip safety is occasionally too hard to engage. All it takes is a soft grip, or being slightly out of alignment, for it not to fire.

What do you guys think of the SW99. I should be able to get that at right about $500 or so right?

Both the Walther P99 and the SW99 can fine weapons. However, there have been some issues with gritty triggers. Make sure you dry fire a number of times prior to purchase, to make sure it's got a good trigger.

It's not quite as accurate as I would like, but I love the ergonomics and the H&K style magazine release. Recoil tends to be a bit sharp though, at least in my opinion. I love the idea of swappable backstraps.

I am also looking at a S&W Sigma Series.

A lot of people like them. I, personally, won't touch one unless my life depends on it, and I have absolutely no other weapon available to me. My not so humble opinion is listed here:

Sigma's seem to be like Glocks. You're either going to absolutely adore it, or detest it utterly.

I found a good deal on a Ruger P95DC that I'm planning to use the funds for.

Ruger's are a good consideration as well. They're fatter than a bloody Beretta 92 and ugly as sin. But you can quite literally drive a jeep over it, on gravel, pick up the weapon, and fire it safely. It has an ambidextrous safety/decocker (depending on model) and an ambidextrous magazine release.

Some people don't like Ruger though, because of some of their gun control policies.

There is also a new Beretta coming out. The PX4 Storm.

I haven't heard anything about it yet, other than what's posted on their website. It looks kind of cool though. I'm hoping they'll get the new website up soon so we can see a little information on it.


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A gun is as safe as what you make it. If you act like a donkey and point it at your loved ones, cat, fridge, gasoline can, television and/or the mailman then you probably don't deserve to own one. Just don't point the gun at anything you do not want to shoot.

If you want a gun with an additional safety, don't get the XD. But remember, the trigger is scissored and will not fire unless both "halves" of the trigger are depressed in ADDITION to the grip safety that your hand must depress.

You can notice the trigger and get a better idea of what I am talking about if you click on for a picture.

Generally if you stick with Springfield Armory, Smith and Wesson, CZ, or any of the generally well known brands.

Ask for the gunshop workers opinons and they can usually help steer you in a good direction.


New member
I got my first gun, and it was a Springfield XD9. I absolutely love this thing. It's had 900 rounds through it so far and hasn't skipped a beat. It really is a great pistol. I find them far more comfortable then my buddys glock.


New member
Ruger P Series.
Springfield XD Service.
S&W value line series for new (908, 910..recommend stainless).
Arcus (Bulgarian High Power Clone)
Makarov (not true 9mm NATO and sights are tiny...but they are definately worth the money)

Previously owned market...list is gets real long to be sure.