New York


New member


May 8, 2002 -- A "worrisome" upsurge in shootings led Mayor Bloomberg yesterday to offer $100 for every gun turned in to cops with a promise of "no questions asked."
"We don't want to know your name, we don't want to know why you have a gun," Police Commissioner Ray Kelly told prospective gun-shedders at a City Hall press conference with the mayor.

Bloomberg pointed out major crimes are down more than 7 percent this year and homicides are at their lowest level in 40 years.

"Having said that, the number of shootings in New York City has increased this year and that is worrisome," said the mayor.

There have been 498 shootings so far this year, compared to 407 in the same period last year, a jump of 22 percent.

Michael O'Looney, the NYPD's chief spokesman, said comparisons are somewhat misleading because of a "huge dip" in shootings between February and May last year that knocked all the statistics out of kilter.

"If you go back to 2000, there was an average 34 shootings a week. In 2001, the average was 31 a week. This year we're on a pace of 27 a week. But we're up against that three-month window when it was 24 a week," he explained.

The last "cash for guns" program in 1999 produced 1,900 weapons.

But former Mayor Rudy Giuliani combined the program with an aggressive offensive against gun-toting thugs by the Street Crime Unit, which has been disbanded by the Bloomberg administration.

Robert Castelli, professor of criminal justice at John Jay College, said weapons buybacks are "not a panacea" in the war on crime.

"Does it take guns out of the hands of the most serious criminals? The answer is probably no," he said.

At the same time, Castelli said "anything that takes an illegal gun off the streets is a good thing."

"If it takes the one gun off the streets that kills your kid, it was a success, wasn't it?"

The rules of the program are simple: bring a handgun, sawed-off shotgun or assault weapon to any police precinct and get a voucher that can be cashed in for $100 at eight locations around the city.

The weapon has to be unloaded in a sealed bag.

The maximum payout is $300 per person. Gun dealers and active law enforcement personnel aren't eligible. The program lasts 30 days, but might be extended.

Last month, the Police Department offered $1,000 to anyone who provides information to 1-866-GUN-STOP that leads to the arrest of someone with an illegal gun.

Kelly said that's resulted in 74 tips, eight arrests and two gun seizures so far.


New member
okay i ment to post this here....

This could be a good money making scheme. If someone was to buy some cheap old rifles for $50-$80 a piece and sell them to the city for $100, they would make a big profeit. Then they can go and buy some evil black rifles:p


New member
Been done. A couple of years ago in Brooklyn D.A. Charles Hynes was running a $200 buy back scheme. The one who seemed to profit the most was a Brooklyn Court Officer who was buying his collegues old .38s for $100 or so and selling them to Hynes for $200.

Hynes is best noted for being the prosecutor in the infamous "Howard Beach" case. Go look it up. Hynes had a house in a gated community (with their own security force) called Breezy Point on the western tip of the Rockaways. We were assigned to guard his house because he was sure Al Sharpton was coming out to "visit". Hynes was never seen there during this time. The real reason for the police protection is you don`t allow people of color into gated communities where the homes sell for $4-500,000 unless they`re the help.

Another factoid about Breezy is it was discovered by Irish cops and firemen when the land was selling for next to nothing. My cousin`s loser husband`s parents owned a place and gave it to them. Then they let the yuppies in.:barf:

Just killing time on a rainy Sunday morning. :cool: :p


New member
If I could make it there, I'd make it anywhere!

Don't Kali z-guns still cost $50? It may be worth the cost to purchase a bunch and road trip to NYC. Great places for Thai there.

Dino, more rain coming your way. Rain with thunder and lighting along the raging Wabash. Start gathering the animals, I will send you some nails.:cool:


New member
I`m afraid you`re right. The only good thing is my pool is almost full. I should be able to turn on the filter by the end of the week.


New member
The Dunhams Sporting goods stores sometimes have various mil-surp bolt-action rifles for $35-$70. Could make a bit of a profit there, I suppose.

I have looked at some of those rifles on sale, most of them are in the "beat all to he!!" category. Might be worhtwhile to look.