"New York" trigger module-- anyone tried one?

Chris Pinkleton

New member
Has anyone tried the NY-1 trigger module on a Glock? Accoding to Ayoob(in some gun rag or another), it not only makes the trigger pull heavier, but it eliminates all that take-up before you hit real resistance during the pull. On the asthetic side, he says it gets rid of the annoying "sprong" when dry-firing.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Greeting's Chris,

Yes, I have owned a Glock model 23 with the "New York"
trigger, and it didn't take me long to get rid of it.:rolleyes:
I couldn't keep the damn thing on target, cuz of the
heavier trigger.:eek: You can't go wrong with the
standard Glock trigger; at least that's my opinion.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.

Chris Pinkleton

New member
Thanks Ala Dan!

No question is too obscure for a quick responce on TFL, is it? I love this place!

Dan, is it possible you had a gun with the NY-2 module -- this ups the trigger pull to 12-14lbs, which I can see causing control problems. I think the NY-1 was only supposed add about 3lbs.

I love my Glock -- but I'm not fond at all of "trigger slack."


New member
If you want a trigger pull heavier than stock and you think that the NY1 is too heavy, there is a compromise. Install a 3.5# connector with the NY1. On my G30 trigger pull goes from 6# (stock) to 7# with NY1 and 3.5# connector. With the NY1 alone trigger pull is 8#+.

I tried the NY1 by itself and it was too heavy for me. NY1 and 3.5# connector works for me. YMMV.


New member
It is our department's policy to have the NY1 trigger. I preferred the stock one, but I got used to it in my Glock 22 and 27. The NY1 trigger is polymer and is olive green in color. Personally I don't see the need for the heavier triggers if you keep your finger on the frame until you are ready to fire.


New member
I tried the NYI & NYII modules, with and without a 3.5# connector, in my 19. I went back to the standard connector and spring because I liked the feel better. If you have the parts available try the different combinations for yourself.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Hello All,

My G-23, serial #BLN59X had the "New York 1" trigger,
at 8lbs. I loved the gun and probably should have kept
it; with a Glock armourer on hand, he could have easily
exchanged the necessary part's for me. Oh! well, just
a mistake on my part?

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
I had the NY1(olive green) in my G26. Was the best trigger feel for me, as it felt like it had 2 distinct stages. Stock wasn't bad either.


Billy Sparks

New member
I don't know if I have the NY1 or NY2 installed in all of my Glocks but I really like it. I get more of a consistent "feedback" from the trigger. But then again I am one of those that hates the 3.5 connector from Glock. Too light.


New member
I like Ayoob a lot ....

But his obsession with trigger pull and being lawyer proof kind of bugs me.

Sure - I read the Ayoob Files and read about all the wacky legal stuff - but if I cant shoot the BG in the first place because of a seventeen pound trigger, whats the use.

I do not understand the legal issue of the light trigger - if I shoot, and I say I meant to shoot - what - the BG lawyer gonna say I didnt mean to shoot? So what - I will take the stand and look the jury in the eye and tell them - I know how my gun works, I keep my finger in register until I am on target - the BG threatened me and I feared for my safety so I deliberately shot him without malice...

come what may...


New member
A year or two ago I had the chance to fire a gen-u-wine NYPD issue Glock 19 with the stock NY trigger. Don't ask me if it was a NY-1 or NY-2, though I suspect the former.

Anyway, I found it to be pretty crappy. Very mushy. I don't mind a long, firm pull, like a good DA revolver. But this was horribly spongey. I was able to get hits with it during a defensive pistol course, but I'd hate to be saddled with it when there are so many better trigger options out there.

Chris Pinkleton

New member
I guess I'll have to find one of these on someone else's gun and give it a shot -- I'm not interested in a heavier trigger pull, just one without all the "slack" in the first part of the pull. A NY-1 with the 3.5 connector may be the ticket -- but if it's truely "spongey," forget it.

Thanks for all the responces!

Chris P.


New member
I use it. I like it.

If you're a member of the Eensie-Weensie Finger Tippy-Tip Polished Single Action Trigger Club, you'll hate it.

If you're a member of the Steady Strong Hand Muscle Control Double Action Club, you'll like the reduced slack and more positive reset.

FWIW, the stock coil reset spring on Glocks has been known to fail. This doesn't necessarily put the gun out of commission, but the NY, by design, will not fail this way.


New member
Had it, didn't like it. I use the 3.5# connectors and use a trigger developed by Vern Slunaker of S&S Guns (formerly Vern's Guns) to do away with all the trigger creep. When the safety lever has been disengaged the trigger moves less than 1/8" before discharge. I do not like the sloppy trigger either.