New York City "Premise Permit"


New member
I lived in NYC for 33 years. This is what you have to do in New York City in order to have a gun IN YOUR HOME! I am happy in Florida now.

First, you have to go down to 1 Police Plaza and pickup an application. They won’t mail them out. Then go to West Side Pistol Range and they will help you fill out the application. The application has to be typed and West Side will type it up for you. I believe the fee for this is either 20 or 25 dollars.

Once the application is prepared you take it back to 1 Police Plaza to hand it in. They will fingerprint you and rob you of all your money (well...about 439 dollars of it.) You now wait.

In about 7 or 8 MONTHS you’ll get a phone call to schedule a phone interview. During the interview the officer will ask you questions like why do you want a gun and things like that. At the end of the interview you’ll get a list of documents you need to provide. You’ll need a few character references, pay stubs, discharge papers if you were in the military...all sorts of useless crap. You collect all the documents you need and fax them in. A few months later you get a letter telling you when to come get your license.

They tend to keep you waiting a very long time at 1 Police Plaza, I guess that’s to weed out those with a tendency to go crazy!

If you don’t have anything bad in your history you’ll get the license

_______________Yes, it is bad in NYC but it does not stop there. Elitist Mayor Bloomberg wants to export this type of Nazi gun control on the rest of the country. He is allied with Hillary Clinton and California's gun (read freedom) hating Senator Fienstien. Nancy Pelosi our next Speaker of the House hates guns and the 2nd Amendment as her above mentioned "comrades"
President Bush signed the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act" in 2005. This law now protects the firearms manufactures and distributors from baseless lawsuits designed to bankrupt them. Bloomberg is thumbing his nose at the PLCIAA Law and is proceeding with these lawsuits in NYC aided by activist gun hating Federal judge Jack Wienstien in Brooklyn, NY. I fear this is only the beginning considering the shift in power in the House and Senate coming in January. In case you did not know it NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg is a billionaire. He is the head of Bloomberg Financial.
Someone asked; tongue in cheek, if NYC is still part of the US? Well I know that a person who has a CCW issued in NY State cannot carry in NYC. Comments please.


New member
That is exactly why I don't ever want to even visit NYC. I can barely stand it when some says how great that city is. I also never want to visit California. I'm content to stay in the middle and the south of the country.


New member

What baffles me is all the people who are saying, "nah they will never try to spread that kind of thing around and get it enacted into law everywhere, they don't want to make any waves right now, we are safe" as if they had no memory of history. Gonna be a cold January.


New member
Here since 1997. I love it! The weather is only a bonus to being able to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights.


New member
Part of the problem with regulations like this is that there are no time requirements for processing. In many other permitting type activities (such as zoning) the regulating agency is mandated to process the application in an expediant manner or it is approved by default. This prevents the government agencies from "dragging their feet" just to make the process a PITA for the applicant and a political statement from them. Expedience of the law is a basic concept of our law.


New member
I could be wrong, but I thought NYC had 120 days to issue or deny the permit. However, they have claimed "insufficient staffing" for so long that the delay is institutionalized. In other words, the city routinely ignores its own laws.


New member
FWIW, I'm sitting in my office between Park Ave. and Madison Square Park as I write this. NYC gun laws do suck, but they can be worked around. A few weeks ago I was visiting a friend in my building and he started to show me the newest addition to his gun collection; an HK SL-8. Another friend just got his 2nd pistol permit for the city (he also owns a number of AR15's and a Barrett which are kept outside the city). I personally own a number of class 3 weapons (also stored outside the city) and know other people who live here who do also.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying NYC gun laws are acceptable or easy to work through. They most definitely are not. But if you want badly enough and are willing to jump through the hoops, it can be done. It should be FAR easier though; there should be no hoops in the first place, but thats a whole different discussion (not to mention somewhat pointless, considering the reality is that NYC's gun laws aren't going to change any time soon).

As to what bloomberg & pelosi have planned for '07-'08, I don't worry too much. They're both very intelligent people. And while bloomberg hasn't gotten the message yet, he will. It seems fairly clear pelosi knows gun control is a losing proposition for the democrat least at the present time. Maybe in '09 if a democrat wins the white house, but not before.


New member
"As to what bloomberg & pelosi have planned for '07-'08, I don't worry too much. They're both very intelligent people."


Oh man, do you know any more good ones? :rolleyes:


New member

Oh man, do you know any more good ones?

"It is soothing to underestimate an enemy but it is often fatal, too." - Sun Tzu​

Don't be fooled, they are very intelligent. For Pelosi, the prize is keeping control of the House & Senate and gaining the White House in the '08 elections. Taking on the issue of gun control right now is a far more risky strategy (with far less chance of success while Bush is in the White House). The single issue that put more Congressional democrats in the unemployment line in 1994 was gun control. Nancy Pelosi damn well knows that and isn't about to jeopardize the democratic party's chance to control the House, Senate, and White House (thus giving them control over almost every issue, after '08 elections ) for the single issue of gun control.


New member
SO how did Bloomberg stay in office as a GOP?

Law and Order(which usually is a radically left wing biased) had an episode set in NYC, where a battered woman who had an abusive stalking exhusband who was nearly watching her 24/7. SHe goes to apply for a permit and she was denied the permit. A week later the woman was dead.

THe episode ended with the "good guys" holding their GLocks, bewildered at the dead woman with a knife in her back on the ground and wondered how it could have happened.

xxx xxxx New York. You gotta be somebody to be able to protect yourself IN YOUR OWN HOME.

is it just as bad to buy a shotgun there?
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New member
This is one of the MAIN reason why so many of us left NYC. Considered that place lost forever. I only go back once in a while to visit family and friends.

oh and yes it sucks to be living in a free country when you can't even protect yourself:rolleyes: .


New member
If you're living in New York City, you're not living in a free country.

Sorry I missed that Law & Order, though it probably would have spiked my bood pressure and given me a stroke.


New member
This is one of the MAIN reason why so many of us left NYC. Considered that place lost forever. I only go back once in a while to visit family and friends.

as americans leave, Eastern Europeans, Hispanics and Asian immigrants move in and screw up the 2nd Amendment even more there.

remember the Albanian guy from 60 minutes that made a lot of money in construction by using cheap Albanian and Hispanic labor, bought a bunch of guns to ship back to Kosovo to arm the Islamic militias by using our 2nd Amendment, and then turn around and accuse us of being too lax and called for more gun control? it's foreign people like that, along with the lefty unAmerican bastards there that turned NYC into a London wannabe.


New member
My opinion is that Bloomberg is the biggest threat to 2nd Amendment that this country faces. He's made it well known that he's not content to simply banish guns from his city, he wants to remove them from the entire country. He has the financial resources to strike out at the firearm industry through the courts and bully them out of business. I imagine it's only a matter of time before he directs his resources towards suing other municipalities with laxer gun control than his little kingdom.


New member
The master lock is coming.

Guys and girls, I hate NYC with every thread and fiber of my body, I really do. And, I have the same issues with Pelosi and her cronies that y'all share.

I feel like I have to remind everyone though, that this is a public board, and Rich and his moderator crew have mentioned the language before. I don't want to be a babysitter, but lets clean this one up before the clank of the Master padlock shuts it down.


New member
Biggest Hypocrit On Planet Earth

BLOOMBERG! He goes to work every day with a hord of ARMED body guards surrounding him. And tells everyone else to dial 911 (and wait 20 minutes) if they get attacked. What a.......oh I better watch it or this threat will get locked. :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:


We owe a debt of gratitude to the good people of Florida, who were the first to elect legistlators that passed shall issue CCW, which then spread throughout the country.