New York AR-15

This is the rifle used by the shooter at Bronx-Lebanon Hospital on Friday:


Is this the new NY-legal AR-15? It doesn't have a "pistol" grip. And the magazine looks like a 5-rounder. Could the shooter have purchased it legally? I guess I haven't been keeping up, because I've never seen an AR-15 with a "grip" like that.

Does anyone recognize it? Who makes it?
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Glenn E. Meyer

New member
It looks like a compliant gun and magazine to me. Of course, there are all kinds of political and assault weapons bans implications to this. Interesting to see how it plays out but let's not go off our handles on this.


New member
If it is compliant to NY standards then would it then be a standard rifle and no longer considered an assault weapon?

The first report that I read with the mention of a specific rifle called it an AM15, an m16 type rifle. Seems contradictory if it's neutered.
It's an Anderson rifle for sure hence the "AM15".


New member
it is what's called a spur grip - used to make an ar NYS compliant. Pistol grips in combination with detachable magazines are illegal per SAFE Act.


All you guys know the cutsey little PC names and legal terms, but around these parts, we call those types of guns "STUPID".


New member
And if that is the actual rifle, it had no sights either.

I know right? I mean most flat tops don't come with any sights so if this guy bought it and shot it like this he's obviously not a gun person.

In fact a damn idiot.. but then again I guess that's already established by shooting up a hospital.

One ugly ass AR though, that spur grip is hideous.


New member
I bet the next thing we see in NYS is a bolt action single shot AR-15.

All the rage in some countries in Europe.


New member
People get so hung up on "Assault Weapons" when the reality is a pawn shop pump 870 or Mossberg 12 gauge is a DEVASTATING close quarters weapon. Heck a Marlin 30/30 is more effective then the above.

When do we figure out it's the shooters not the weapons.

I am perfectly safe with a 105mm artillery piece in my backyard. A crazed killer could do devastating things with a Ruger 10/22


New member
I think one of the fallacies of gun control is that their laws made this particular firearm less dangerous. That may be, but what really mitigated the damage is typically the perpetrator's own ineptness. Like mentioned above, it's a good thing he wasn't wise to shotgun use, which are much more available as we all know.