New Year's Resolutions

roy reali

New member
One more holiday is just around the corner, New Year's Day. It is also the time people promise to make changes in their lives: stop smoking, eat better, be nicer to others, etc.

I want to start this thread to see if anyone is going to make any resolutions related to hunting and/or shooting. Is there anyone that wants to buy more guns, shoot more often, shoot less often, and so on.

Mine is to shoot the guns that I haven't shot in a long time. I have about a half dozen guns that are gathering dust. I want to not only shoot them, but develop loads to see how well I can get them to shoot. I'll start with one of them and keep working at until I am satisfied, then I'll start on the next one.

So, what is your gun related New Year's resolution?


New member
I hope to shoot more at the range. Spend more time fishing and go hunting this coming fall. I skipped hunting this year due to a heavy work load just when gun season for deer rolled around. I want to buy one firearm this coming year. Will probably make my decision after the Shot Show. If Ruger comes out with something interesting in the DA 22 department, that might be the one although I certainly don't need one. The other possibility may be a BFR in 475 linebaugh/480 Ruger that I have been putting off. I need to buy some scopes for a few rifles I have that have been shot little and then shoot them.


New member
I sold all my guns in the 80's because I wasn't using them and needed to get a business off the ground.

Started getting lightly back into shooting and went off the deep end with .17 HMR's and .22's. Sold a lot of the higher end ones to smooth out a period of writing books, figuring I can get anything I want when money isn't the issue.

I've resolved to buy only guns that fill a niche that will be used and enjoyed and not go into obsessive numbers and safe queens. I'll keep the numbers down and the quality up. Just bought a Remington 541-S with a one inch bull barrel, trigger and bedded for bench rest shooting, it's supposed to be a one holer so I got an Elite 4200 6-24x scope for it.


New member
To go to the range more often.

I vowed earlier that unless I got a reloading outfit for Christmas I'd have to let my range membership expire because ammo is just too expensive for me to be able to shoot a lot. Well guess what, my great wife came through and got me a nice Lee reloading kit. Went out to the range on the 26th to celebrate! :D:D:D


New member
I'm taking at least two instructor development classes over the coming year, and teaching at least four classes for which I have developed the curriculum entirely on my own.

I'm also writing another book. (Shhhh, don't tell anyone. ;) )

Also, not as a goal or a resolution, but perhaps as something stronger than a velleity, I would like to get involved with Toastmasters to improve my public speaking skills.



That's easy! They were the same resolutions I had last year! J/K.

This year we are moving to TX from commie NJ. I will get my TX CHL, carry daily, shoot often and breathe free, clean air. I will also do more hunting, I hope.


New member
Wow Sarge. That is going 180 degrees as far as gun laws go. Glad to hear you are getting the hell out of there. TX's college football teams suck , but , their gun laws are fantastic.


New member
I intend to find someone new to guns and teach that person how to shoot. A couple of candidates in mind already!




New member
One of mine is to start carrying daily, and more importantly, to blog about my experiences doing such. There are lots of great resources about self defense with a gun already on the web, but there aren't many individual stories out there that you can follow along. So, I thought I would create one. If anyone wants to follow along:

Wish me luck!


I Resolve Not To Rely On The 2nd Amendment

I'm going to stay involved with the conservative movement to help ensure we remain free to keep the 2nd Amendment, not because of it.