New XDm 3.8 range report/vs SR9 *PICS*


New member
I've had my eye on the 3.8's since they were announced... I've always liked the XD line... Just not the size of the XDm 4.5. The 3.8 just feels so much better in my hand without that long barrel, and it's not like I could take advantage of the extra real estate anyway. :p

So my local Impact got some in a few weeks ago and I picked one up on the thursday before last. I've put 620 rounds through it so far... I also installed a PRP spring kit at about the 350 round mark. Not that it needed it, but this is the first gun I've owned with aftermarket options. Besides the springs were only $12. $12 for a lb less in the trigger sounds like a good deal to me.

I love everything about the XDm... the way it points, shoots... Even the way it chambers a round is mind blowing. I've had zero failures in 620 rounds. Although on my first trip to the range the slide would not lock back... Turns out I was resting my thumb directly on the slide release. :p Anyway, on to some pics.

With an Insight WX150 installed. (150 lumens) Got this specifically for the XDm.

Second trip to the range... Put it up against my SR9 (first handgun). You can see that accuracy between the two isn't even really comparable. The SR9 is fine for a combat situation... But the trigger needs work. Hopefully Ghost Inc. will be rectifying that shortly.

I still need to do some work on groups past 10 yards... But in my defense I'm learning a new grip/stance.


I ordered an over-travel stop from PRP that should be here soon. Once I have that installed I think the trigger will be perfect for me.


New member
Congrats on the new purchase, the XD's are amazing firearms.
I've been looking into getting that one for my wife, it has smaller grips and will be the right size overall for her.


New member
Pic of the PRP spring kit after install. The spring circled in red was replaced along with the trigger spring.



New member
I called a local gun shop to asked about the xdm 3.8, they said all they show was the 3",4",4.5" is the 4" the same as the 3.8