New Winchester Model 70


New member
Does anyone have any experience with the new Winchester rifles made in South Carolina? I am really liking what I am reading and hearing about these guns though have yet to find one anywhere or get any first hand knowledge.

I am thinking about the M70 Super Grade in 30-06 but can't find one in stock anywhere. Here is a link:



New member
I have a short action PBR in 308 Win. It was one of the last M70's assembled at New Haven.


I own several pre64's and controlled feed.

FN extended the bolt shroud to protect shooters from a gas leak, so that is an improvment. Still, I suspect that gas from a pierced primer is still going down the firing pin shaft right in your eye. (the M98 is still the best ever in gas handling)

There are minor differences between the old and new. Bolt may interchange, but not shroud/firing pin assemblies.

Overall, the machine work and part fit is excellent. I believe FN is a better manufacturer of rifles than Winchester ever was. The pre-64's are examples of 19th century "file to fit" technology. Lots of file marks, parts don't interchange without fitting, assuming the part can be fitted. The classic actions were good to very good, but I believe these FN actions are the best.

The action is slick and smooth. Bolt lift and manipulation are excellent. I like the claw. I wish they had simply copied the original pre 64 action (but extending the shroud) as that design is the best of the M70's. Virtually all changes have been for the worse. Too bad Winchester New Haven manufacturing was a good example of bad manufacturing.

I don't like the four round magazine. If FN ever offers a ten round mag, maybe that might change things. But right now, you only have four rounds in a 308. The stupid magazine cuts my fingers loading and as you insert rounds, the the top round will slide out the back. This creates a jam, is a mess to clear as I don't want to bend anything on this $50.00 magazine. (a freaking rip off!! :barf:) Oh yes, magazines are hard to find. :mad::mad::mad:


New member
I have one of the new fn model 70 fwt and its a real nice rifle (slick action,crisp trigger and nice wood).As far as accuracy goes my shooting skills are limited but its shoot just as good as my other rifle.The review i've seen on other forum indicated that they are real good shooter.The super grade are slowly coming on the market,I've seen a 270 and 300 win mag for sale on gunbroker.


New member
I have two dealers looking for a new generation Win M70 Super Grade in 30-06. So far, there are none to be had. I have searched the Internet extensively and no luck.

The "Super Grades" offered on gunbroker are not of the new generation that are built by FN in South Carolina. These new guns got rave reviews at the shot show. But what is the purpose if Winchester does not have the manufacturing capability to bring the product to the market?

Looks like it is going to be a long time before the average man can get hold of one of these new Winchesters.


New member
If you're looking through the scope, ejected gases from a pierced primer would be directed at your cheek, not at your eye. Not that that's an appealing prospect, but it's a level of magnitude better than losing an eye. That said, I'm certainly unaware of any rash of pierced primers occurring with Mauser-based bolt actions.


New member
Model 70 is very popular here. An associate of mine ordered one, of a specific configuration, 300WM, 26" fluted, stainless, with the full aluminum bedded stock. He put his deposit down in Jan. 08, and still hasn't gotten his rifle. He is getting rather impatient. He says they are really giving him the runaround. They were going to ship some in Jan 09, maybe some in March, now they told him if his hasn't shipped then he may get it next Jan. There are Mdl 70 Featherweights all over the shelves here, at Scheel's, Cabelas, Shiptons, Sportsman Annex and Big Bear, but that's not what most locals are looking for. What could be taking FN America so song to make one rifle?


New member
I think FN/Winchester have a lot of ground to make up if they want to restore the Model 70 to its former place of prominence in the hearts (and checkbooks) of rifle enthusiasts. The production delays do not make for an auspicious rebirth of the legend.


Amen on the checkbooks. A $1000 sporter ain't gonna win back fans of the "working man's rifle". What did their corporate execs do with all that money they made on millions of Model 92 and 94's anyway?:confused::barf:



New member
I've been reading the write-ups too, also tempted to buy.

The new Savage also has also been getting good print. As a production mechanical engineer, I like what I see. It all makes very good sense and is a clever design. I'm thinking more and more on going this way.