New Winchester Model 70


New member
I played around with one of the lightweight models at the store (it's the only one that anybody seems to have so far.) I went intending to purchase, and left without the rifle.

It felt nice, it wasn't a bad rifle by any means, but I wasn't happy with the bolt fit to the receiver. I have shot *many* mausers over the years, so I know that a mauser's bolt never fits like a rem. 700 does when pulled back, but the Winchester's wasn't what I was expecting, it had a _lot_ of play.

I'm planning to pick one up on the second run they do, I prefer the controlled feed, but for now I picked up a 700. It might just be the rifle I looked at, it's the *only* one of the new Winchester's I've been able to find anywhere around San Antonio, but wanted to give you my impression.

Oh yeah, and the wood was mediocre. Not as bad as the low end Remingtons, but not exactly "quality" either.



New member
Not worth the $800 they wanted for it---at that price--there's a bunch of better choices---if it came down to around $550-$600--I'd have to think about it.