New vs Old HK P7M8?

Big Dave

New member

I have a HK P7M8 that I bought new about 6 years ago. I love the gun and I'm considering purchasing another.

Is there any difference in quality between the older ones like mine and the newest ones being produced? I saw a photo of a new one and it had something stamped on the slide that I think referred to Alabama. Are the P7's still made 100% in Germany?

I have been out of the gun hobby for a while and not sure about shipping laws. I'm going on a trip to Louisiana in a month. I'd like to ship the P7M8 to my mom's house so I can shoot it while on vacation. Can I mail it to myself? Or does it have to be mailed to a FFL?

Thanks a lot,


Go ahead and make the purchase. Some people swear by the older ones but I have/had both and experienced no problem with either. Of course the newer ones have less trial runs so it's hard to call. Is there a reason you are looking to buy a "new" P7M8 vs and "older" one in near mint condition or even very good used? Just curious.

Big Dave

New member
Thanks for the replies

I would get a new one because they don't seem to be that much more compared to the used ones. I have not followed the used market but my guess is that a near mint used one would be $1100 give or take. The new ones look like they are going for around $1350. Let me know if I'm off.

Otherwise, I don't mind spending a few hundred bucks for brand spanking new gun that's going to hold it's value.

Take care.


My advice before you buy is to checkout this forum

Should be able to help with alot of your questions. New or old, they will retain their value--but I will say a NIB older model will sell for more then a NIB new model. If you really have concern as to whether the older models are better or more reliable, then you would be better off buying a NIB older model or LNIB older model.