New User Says Hello


New member
Welcome, Silver. You'll find us a interesting assortment. Hey, we even like jarheads here! :D

(And we do a lot of good natured ribbing, too!)

Mal H

Welcome USMCsilver!

Jarhead? Blockhead? Doesn't anyone call Gyreens "Leatherneck" anymore? :)

Gyreens - I haven't heard that in a long time either, even from myself. I seem to recall it was widely used around El Toro amongst the residents. Anyone know if it was derived from chopper pilots. I can't ask the only one I know who might have known since he passed away about a decade ago.
Welcome aboard. It's customary here for the newbie to send to each member a box of ammo of their choice. I want one box of linked 20 mm or if you can't procure it, then I'll settle for linked 50 AP mixed with tracers. ;)

Haven't been around much lately, but I still check in from time to time (dang life/work/dumbstuff getting in the way of my screwing around) :D

Thought I'd at least say howdy and welcome aboard!


New member
welcome, you're not going to find a better bunch of loud mouthed opinionated people anywhere. you'll enjoy it here, lots of good information is gathered and exchanged...even if we have to put up with the occiaisional "my gun is better than your gun" thread. *grin*
