New Toys!!!


New member
Well, after realizing that my collection of firearms had NO centerfire rifles (hey, gimme a break, I'm only 19!), I decided to do something about that. I'm a poor college student, so I went the milsurp route (nothing wrong with that, by any means). I picked up a 1943 Turkish Mauser and a Type 99 Arisaka in 7.7 Jap. The Arisaka even still has a perfect mum!

I was quite pleased with my purchases. Now just to wait the week and a half until I can shoot 'em. It's gonna be a long wait. :D

I'll attach pics for your viewing pleasure, of couse.



  • mauser (post).jpg
    mauser (post).jpg
    137.2 KB · Views: 168


New member
Here's the Arisaka.

The numbers match on both guns, BTW.


  • arisaka type 99 (post).jpg
    arisaka type 99 (post).jpg
    143.5 KB · Views: 147

Ray HP

New member

Both these rifles look nice. Where did you buy them and how much did they cost? What is the condition of the bore?

Have you bought any of that cheap 8mm that is corosive?

Have fun with your new toys.

Ray HP


New member
I ordered the Mauser from Southern Ohio Gun, and the Arisaka was at the local gun shop. The Arisaka was $75. The Mauser sells wholesale for $39.97 (I *think*), but I paid more since it was ordered through the gun dealer (transfer charges, etc).

The bores on both guns were a little dirty (cosmoline and the like), but after just a quick cleaning they are shining like mirrors. Quite a good couple of finds, in my opinion.

I haven't ordered any of the corrosive 8mm yet, but I definitely plan to. $4.97 for 70 round bandoliers is too good to pass up, and I figure that I'll just keep a bottle of water/ammonia mix in my gear bag to neutralize the corrosion right after I'm done firing.



New member