New Toy Brought To Me By My 19 Month Old - M&P 15-22


New member
So we were traveling this past week and on the way home from a nice 14 hour drive, after a rough vacation we were only about an hour and a half from our door step. The baby was sleeping and we were in the home stretch......then the crying starts.

Well LMSWMBO(Little Miss She Who Must Be Obeyed) had decided to, well we will say tinkle for the sensitive among us. She is not happy so mamma says take the next exit. Now SOP for these stops are take exit, find first serviceable place to stop and change her and then let her walk around whatever store/location that is there to let her stretch her little munchkin legs.

I now know that genetics are truly passed on because my little chose a little place called Outdoor Junction to stop. Outdoor Junction, it turns out, happens to be a pretty nice sporting goods store with a very nice gun shop attached. So the little one is tooling around and picks up a bag of brass for me and is looking at all the mounted animals. I am checking out the gun counter.

So like I said it had been a rough vacation. The wife saw me fondling a couple rifles and said pick up whatever you want. :D Now I don't need anymore guns and frankly don't have a lot of room left but I am not turning that down. Long story longer I grab a Smith and Wesson M&P 15-22.

I sold off a dedicated upper some time back and had been meaning to pick up a replacement and this little Smith seemed like it would fit the bill nicely. So on to a quick review.

All in all it is a really well put together gun. Seems molded well, feels solid, everything functions smoothly etc. Frankly I am more impressed, much more, then the offerings from Colt that are metal. The Colts just feel like pot metal to me where as this plastic gun feels robust. As an aside they also had the ISSC SCAR .22 clone and it also felt and looked great. So thumbs up on fit and finish.

So I always have a bit of trepidation when buying .22s. They tend to be ammo sensitive, finicky etc. Especially conversions/these types of evil black .22 clones. That being said I am very happy to report that not only did it run flawlessly through 100 rounds of CCI Mini Mag through three magazines, it also ran through 200-300 rounds of Federal 550 round bulk pack, which is my preferred cheap stuff. Basically it ran like a top.

Only ran it at short range/indoor pistol range. That being said it seems to be well regulated from the factory and was easily putting rounds where I wanted. Hopefully a longer range test will be forthcoming.

Think military AR15 trigger. Basically good for a military weapon but no target trigger by any means. More then passable for this plinker.

So I was up in the air over buying something that used Black Dog magazines but I must say I am VERY pleasantly surprised at the mags used in the Smith. They are robust feeling, load easy enough, lock the bolt back, so far are 100% reliable and are relatively cheap at 20 bucks.

It has them................SIG.......Take a hint, maybe have somebody take a note down. Seriously though they are standard AR15 irons that work as well as standard AR15 irons.

All in all I think this is one of the stronger offerings in this product class. It is made well, backed by a strong company, appears to be very reliable and is priced pretty well. Combine that with that fact that it handles just like a full AR with bolt hold open, etc. and I am very happy.

So at the end of the day I am happy with my impulse purchase and happy my little one apparently has it in the genetics. :D

As always I feel the need to tell everybody I am not law enforcement, a member of the team that killed Bin Ladens Hamster, A SWAT team member nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. I am as high drag and low speed as one gets. I shoot for fun, I own guns for fun and have no illusions, fantasies, desires or inklings to have it any other way. So take that into consideration when reading my reviews.

Take care shoot safe have fun.
