New to the idea of C&R


New member
But I do have a couple questions.

I seem to recall a while back, I read for an FFL, you are required to have a protected place to store the firearms. Does this count for the 03? I read through the FAQ from a link that was posted a couple threads down, and nothing was mentioned.

Due the the economy and the type of work I'm in, I can't afford a big fire safe at the moment. Would one of those inexpensive 14 or so locking gun cabinets be safe enough to qualify if needed? I know it's far from the best, but it's better than nothing. The possiblilty of a safe is the only thing holding me back right now, due to all the inspections that are happening back east.

Also, if my father happens to find a C&R rifle that I may want, and I buy it from him, Could he take it to an 01 FFL in Georgia and they can ship it to me, or does he have to ship it to an 01 FFL here still like a non-licenced citizen would still have to go through?


New member
A regular FFL can ship a gun to a C&R as long as he has a copy of your license or a FAX of it or something. Assuming the gun falls into the C&R category. But they will not send it till they see your license. I only had a few guns when I had my license but I did not necessarily have them all locked up or anything. Would be a good idea though, license or not. Even one of those big steel two lock gun cabinets from Wal Mart would be something as it is not like anyone will be carrying it off on their back. Probably OK unless you live in a remote area and someone would have all day to mess with it. In most residential areas burglars want to grab and go and unless they know what you got, they aren't gonna drag around a bunch of tools or a handcart to a regular burglary to break in to it. Grab what they see and go fast, usually.


New member
...I can't afford a big fire safe at the moment. Would one of those inexpensive 14 or so locking gun cabinets be safe enough to qualify if needed?

Keep in mind that at least two gun supply dealers (Midway and Brownell's) will give you a dealer discount once they have a copy of your 03 FFL on file. The discounts range from 5% to 20-25% based on the items. You might find something in your price range.


New member
However--don't, for one second, believe that you will save any money. You will just have many more guns :)

I don't even refer to my 03 FFL as a C & R---it is my C $ R.


New member
Also, if my father happens to find a C&R rifle that I may want, and I buy it from him, Could he take it to an 01 FFL in Georgia and they can ship it to me, or does he have to ship it to an 01 FFL here still like a non-licenced citizen would still have to go through?
He can ship it straight to you, no transfers needed. FWIW the only time a C&R FFL needs to do a transfer for a C&R firearm is to sell a C&R handgun to an out-of-state non-licensee. Handgun sales to non-licensees must always be transferred through a home-state 01 FFL, including one bought from an out-of-state 01 FFL.

Regarding storage, the only storage provision that applies to a C&R FFL is that the C&R firearms must be stored at the address listed on the license unless they are elsewhere for a legal purpose. The law allows firearms and ammo to be kept at a "separate warehouse" only if that place is used exclusively for firearms and ammo storage. Per the law, you shouldn't store the guns somewhere you might visit for other reasons, such as your workplace or your best friend's house.


New member
You might call your closest ATF field office and ask them They should be able to send you copies of the regulations applicable to your questions, as well as provide you an answer on the phone. You definitely want to know the regulation numbers of anything they tell you so you can double check. Just like everywhere else not all staff members are equally knowledgeable.