New to reloading - What will I need?


New member
Hey all, I'm interested in starting reloading due to the constant increase in ammo prices but I really don't know much about it. What equipment will I all need? How much am I looking at spending? Are there any good starter kits available? I will be reloading rifle and handgun. Thanks alot for any and all info.


New member
First, read the "sticky" thread found at the top of this forum on Handloading and Reloading. Here is the link: Sticky: For the New Reloader: Equipment Basics -- READ THIS FIRST

Second, purchase a reloading manual (as stated in the above read) and read it cover to cover. After reading both these items, you will be in a position to answer most of the answers you are seeking and will be able to do so within your personal financial constraints.


New member
Third, start with one of the "easy" straight walled cartridges like .38 Special

Fourth, ask, ask, ASK questions! Only a fool needs to learn via accident or injury when there is such a wealth of knowledge available here!


New member
The most important thing you will need as a newbie handloader is a patient, tolerant, and understanding better half or significant other that doesn't mind you getting a lot of things that will make your ammunition better and more accurate. Mine is at least well versed enough now to just ask how much I need to acquire the components I need now that the bug of buying every tool possible to make the most accurate ammo possible has been fed.
Buy quality equipment; it's an investment and it lasts longer than you will assuming careful and proper storage. RCBS and Dillon have lifetime no BS warranties, and both take very good care of their customers. I have equipment from at least a dozen makers, and it all works well; just some works better than others. I look for the best possible equipment at the best possible price to stretch my very thin wallet.