New (to me) speedloader info

44 AMP

My friend calls me the other day as asks, "do you still have that Colt Agent?"
"bring it with you when you come visit on Sunday, I want to check something.."

So the Agent and I go for a (non shooting) visit. And I learned something new to me, but not, apparently to some others...

The same speedloader that works for the S&W model 10, works for the Colt Agent as well. (HKS brand) Like wise, my DS model speedloader worked "like it was made for it" in the S&W.

SO, S&W K frame .38 and Colt Detective Special .38 cylinders are the same chamber spacing. He also told me that S&W L frame and Colt Pythons will both use the same speedloader.

They say you should learn something new every day. Today, I did, and it might even be useful, sometime. :D

How many of you folks already knew this little fact, and why did you keep it to yourselves for so long??? And why did I waste all those years hunting through every single blister pack in the racks looking for the one I needed, because only the one for "my" gun would fit????

I suspect a conspiracy here, are you all getting kickbacks from the big speedloader companies to keep quiet? Are the hit squads going to come after me, now that I know?? :eek:

Seriously though, I've been shooting revolvers for over 40 years, and it never once occurred to me that this compatibility existed.

What other "this works with that" kind of info do you know? Please, share with an old dog, who today learned a new trick..


New member
Lol so sorry I sat on the golden nugget of information for so many years. I didn't realize it was so valuable. I found this out in the 80's while carrying an issued model 19 and my agent off duty and for a backup.


So I must be one of the few that simply counts how many bullets a speed loader holds and checks alignment to any particular gun......I have modern speed loaders that work for my antique IJ topbreaks even. I sold a .38 S&W topbreak Enfield to a guy four months ago with four speed loaders........It just aint that hard to match speed loaders up.


New member
Has anyone observed a commonality between GP-100s and Colt DS-sized revolvers? I may NOT exist. I'm curious if it does.


New member
Because I sometimes carry a Colt Cobra and sometimes a Smith Model 12, I marked the top of my HKS speed loaders with either an "S" or a "C" so that I would readily know which was which. Then, a couple of years ago, I took both revolvers to the range and inadvertently learned that HKS speed loaders labeled "10" (for K-frame Smiths) and those labeled "DS" (for Colt Detective Specials, Cobras and Agents) were identical in size and dimensions. I don't hold it against HKS for making some extra money off of me...:eek: