New To Me Sig

I had to go and pick a friend up from the airport yesterday and because I just got a bonus from work I stopped into one of the larger gun shops up in that area.

Not intending to purchase a new gun; I walked in and looked around and then it happened once again my eyes were drawn to a certain pistol. "I just bought a S&W M29 last month", as I thought to myself, and I told myself not to ask and hold the pistol!

Well then one of the gentlemen behind the counter asked if he could help me and without thinking I said may I hold that Sig P-229 E2, and from there it was all over. Out the door it went with me.

It was a slightly used Sig P-229 E2, it actually looked like it was carried more than it was shot. There were no wear marks on it at all. However it did look as if the previous owner had never seen or heard of a cleaning kit. It was filthy with lent everywhere dried up grease and crud all inside. All in all it just looked as if it needed a good bath.

So I cleaned it up last night and gave it really good lubrication job, maybe a little too heavy but I wanted it to be nice and slick for the first run. This is my first Sig and so far I love it. Comparing it to my G19 it is very similar in size and according to my postal scale it weighed 2lbs 03oz with a loaded 15rd mag inserted. The Glock 19 with a loaded 15rd mag weighed 1lbs 15oz so not that much difference in weight.

However holding the two one after another the extra few ounces that the Sig had mad the gun feel a little more solid in the hand. STILL LOVE MY GLOCK SO DON'T GET ALL HOT AND BOTHERED!

Woke up this morning to a torrential down pore but I just had to go shoot my new Sig! I looked over on the counter and notice a Cantaloupe looking at me all wrong and with the new Cantaloupe zombie outbreak I decided that I needed to put 15 into the head!:D

Off to the gravel pit I went. Since it was raining I decided that I would shoot the Cantaloupe first before I shot some paper. So I place the Cantaloupe about 3/4 of the way up the gradually sloping wall and backed up to about 12 yards.

I inserted a 15rd mag chambered a round and pressed the decocker so that I would have to shoot DA first. I pulled up squeezed the trigger bang Cantaloupe brain matter all over the place! (I thought wow that was smooth) Then to my sudden surprise the Cantaloupe zombie started rocking and began rolling down the wall toward me, COOL!:cool: so I proceeded to let the lead fly, 14 rnds latter the Cantaloupe zombie was nothing more than a piece of skin the size of a quarter. All rounds connected!;)

So I place up a paper target and proceeded to shoot 3 more mags. The group was all right but at this time I was soaked to the bone and it was hard to sight the paper through the rain plus the paper dissolved so I called it quits for a better day.

All in all I love this Sig and now I need to shop around for a good concealment holster. Any suggestions.

I snapped these pictures just a second ago. I have to clean her up now she Is wet too. Crappy pictures but you all know what a Sig looks like.




New member
Its a beautiful thing, a man and his Sig.

Same story happened to me...I had always thought they were a bit overpriced, and never really wondered why...Then the man at the LGS told me I could take one home for a song (240 bucks for a 2022) and if I didnt like it, bring it back and he would give me my money back, no questions asked...I still have it...

the ergonomics are what sold me on them more than anything, they just feel...right.

Anyways, Congrats on the new pistol, and thank you kind sir, for ridding the world of cantaloupes...One Melon at a time, we can make a difference..


New member
Welcome to the fold! Of all my pistols, my favorite by far is my Sig p229 in 9mm.

It's a little big for EDC, so I generally have my Kahr in my waistband, but the Sig is my favorite range and HD pistol.

They do just feel right in the hand, don't they?
YUP! I like where the slide release is. It doesn't get in the way like my other autos. My thumb will engage in on glocks and beretta preventing it from locking back.


New member
So what does the E2 designation mean? Or is it E^2?

My P226 is definitely my preferred gun. There are others that I really like to shoot, like my Hk Expert, but if I had to choose just one it would be the 226.


New member
^IIRC, E2 stands for enhanced ergonomics. The new features being automatic inclusion of the short reset trigger and the new slimmer more contoured grips.
i remember my first sig. unlike you, i didn't go from a decent firearm like a glock to a great one like the sig. i stepped right from a piece of trash taurus 24/7 pro to an old west german p226 i picked up at my lgs. all this time i thought i just wasn't as talented as all my friends. they used to put rounds right on top of each other at the range, while i was struggling to keep a 6" grouping at 10yds. as soon as i put that sig in my hand, i knew things would be different. first two rounds were on top of each other in the bullseye. i set the gun down, turned around and looked at my buddies, and said, "jackpot." now, we are shooting the heads off of wildflowers from 20ft while they are swaying in the wind. never again will i waste money on piece of trash gun. since then, i've ventured into the world of newer sigs, classic and new hk's, kimbers, colts, glocks, sa's, etc. now you can see that i have that old west german p226 for sale (link in my signature) since i have a gorgeous new one with a short reset trigger. hopefully, someone else will get to experience what i experienced when they buy it. i also have my eye on the p229, altho unlike the p226, they are tough to find for a steal, even on gunbroker.
Thanks for the replies! I shot it again yesterday in high winds this time, just can't get a good day for shooting lately.:( I put 200 rounds of 115 gr. ball ammo through it without a hiccup. I'm use to shooting Glocks mostly and 1911's so it is taking me a little to get use to the gun. However; it shoots great hits where I'm aiming so what more could you want.

I practice shooting D/A on the first shot and then follow it up with a couple of S/A shots and then I would engage the De-cocker to get use to that first D/A shot transitioning to the second S/A shot. I was surprised to find out that my First D/A shot was a little more accurate to my POA. When the shot would break there would be a nice little bullet hole just above the front sight. The following shots were pretty close to the first, with time I don't think it will be too hard to put one bullet on-top of another. I fired from 7 yards to 25 and the groups stayed pretty much the same size.

On a side note my father was with me on the beach and he wanted to shoot it too. My fathers handgun shooting accuracy has been going down hill in the last few years, he used to be pretty dang good but something is affecting him {AGE} lol:D Well when he took hold of this SIG he began shooting some impressive groups that I haven't seen from him in a long time! He quickly fell in love with MY SIG!! I had to pry it from his grasp, he didn't want to give it back. I gave him my G19 for CCW and a house gun a few years ago with the agreement that it comes back to me when that day comes. He asked me if he could sell it to buy a SIG like mine I said sure as long as I get the SIG when the time comes. So he will probably be getting one soon too, OF COURSE I HOPE HE OWNS IT A LONGGGGG TIME!! I want my father around a lot longer, but it was man to man talk.

Now only if I could convince my boss at work to see if we could switch our
M9s out for SIGs! I work for the Navy. I don't think it will happen.:rolleyes:


New member
Congratulations, sir!

On your purchase! Given that they've counted on Berettas for so long now, my guess is the Px4 Storm stands the best chance. I keep hearing rumors that the DoD is looking to replace the M9 with the M&P (which would be my personal choice, btw). Just to be curious, are you active duty military or a civilian DoD employee?


New member
Welcome to the Sig family. Be forewarned, they tend to mutiple quickly. Went from 1 P220 Match to a P229. Made a trade that got me a P232. Now I was hooked. Found a beautifull example of a P6 next, just perfect in the hand! And somehow I found a P226 in my safe. They are like rabbits I tell you!!:D All my Sigs perform very well and if I do my part, they always do theirs. Been thinking about another Sig to join the family as of late, I am tring to resist the urge, but I may not have the strength to hold on :eek:. So a Sig 1911 may have to join me, might make the Springfield jealous. Anyways, enjoy, and now you know what its all about with Sigs.
On your purchase! Given that they've counted on Berettas for so long now, my guess is the Px4 Storm stands the best chance. I keep hearing rumors that the DoD is looking to replace the M9 with the M&P (which would be my personal choice, btw). Just to be curious, are you active duty military or a civilian DoD employee?

I served as an Infantryman in the Army and now I'm a civilian DoD employee. I'm a line coach for our range and will be attending school soon to become an RSO. I have no problems with the M9 I Also shoot a perfect score with it but many of the other shooters we have on our range don't do so well with it. I think the DA/SA of the SIG is easier to master than the M9 and would help shooters improve their scores.

The M&P would be even better as far as every trigger pull is the same as the first. However, I use to own an M&P 45 and for me the trigger reset was non-existent, It was hard to detect the reset and it affected my accuracy greatly. As far as striker fired pistols go I still vote for the Glock system. I like feeling and hearing the reset so I know when to start breaking the next shot. This is my opinion though and I know that other shooters really like the M&Ps, they are great guns I just couldn't get mine to sing for me.
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welcome to the sig family. Be forewarned, they tend to mutiple quickly. Went from 1 p220 match to a p229. Made a trade that got me a p232. Now i was hooked. Found a beautifull example of a p6 next, just perfect in the hand! And somehow i found a p226 in my safe. They are like rabbits i tell you!! All my sigs perform very well and if i do my part, they always do theirs. Been thinking about another sig to join the family as of late, i am tring to resist the urge, but i may not have the strength to hold on . So a sig 1911 may have to join me, might make the springfield jealous. Anyways, enjoy, and now you know what its all about with sigs.

sounds like you have a serious illness! Lol:d