new to me P226


New member
I bought a box

it was full of stuff :D

P226 .357 Sig
spare .40 S7W barrel
3 15 round mags
3 12 round mags
1 10 round mag

I paid $610 for it out the door

I'm happy:D


New member
I put a mag on paper to figure out where to hold with this pistol and the 357 round, have to cover my aiming point deep, shoots a little low with the winchester 125s
then I set up at 21' and put 3 mags to the head, i threw a few but got most of them close...I will try it with 40 next week, probably winchester 165s



New member
SIGs are often cover the POI to get POA. Looking good though. I like shooting 357 SIG, I just hate being next to people that do lol.

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New member
Mine was a used Sig-certified or whatever they call it, with West German frame, was the best shooting handgun I've ever owned.


New member
You need to do something about your pictures, I can barely see them from down at the end of the street.

I have a West German P226 and I like it a lot. In fact I use it as one of my carry guns. In all the time I have owned it, there has never been any kind of a stoppage or misfire.


New member
Cant go wrong with the P226, shot many rounds through my 9MM and carried the .357 Sig for a while, would trust my life any day, carrying them.