New To Me Colt


New member

Just picked up this new Colt Trooper in .22LR today. Just too bad almost no one makes beautiful blued revolvers any more.


New member
In the 1960’s, when every discount store had a gun department, my love affair with handguns started with gazing through the showcase glass at a six inch Colt Trooper 357. I saved my birthday and lawn mowing/ snow shoveling money to buy it but my dad wouldn’t do it. That .22 is beautiful. I hope you shoot it and let us know how it goes.


New member
Excellent !! I have read the hammers on the Mark IIIs are prone to breakage though.
The Colt Mark III action was designed by Karl R. Lewes who also designed the Dan Wesson.


New member
Beautiful .22!
I had one with a 6” barrel, but traded it off for a Colt Government .380 in 1987.
I like the .380, but still wish the .22 was in my safe.


New member
I find over the years I’ve gotten much more use out of my 22 handguns than any of my center fires. And as far as 22s nobody is making them like they use to. In fact todays revolvers don’t compare to the last generation.