New to casting

David Bachelder

New member
They look great to me.

Casting bullets is another notch in the handle. I cast all of the pistol bullets I shoot.
.357 & 38 Special, 9mm, .40 S&W, 45 Colt. Hollow point, round nose, round nose flat point and semi wad cutter.


New member
Welcome to the affliction! Couldn't get the pics to download but if all the corners are filled out, bases are sharp and weights are consistent you did just fine!


New member
When it comes time to crimping it may be a little messy.

The crimp grooves are full of lube.


New member
Shouldn't be a problem. I always play with seating depth anyway; and that particular revolver might like the bullets crimped above the crimp groove.


New member
I use a very light crimp on most of my revolver loads. The 25-20 gets no crimp at all. Be aware that if you use the Lee FCD, you can size boolits down to where they're undersized and inaccurate.


New member
The bullets themselves look maaahvelous. :D

Lube in the crimp groove won't matter, nor will lack of it
matter in the last/gas check groove. (Like ShootTest,
however, how'd you do that?) :confused:
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New member
Guess its back to the blackboard!
No, don't worry about it.
It's not needed.;)

NOTE: The actual mechanism of protecting the bullet from leading is dark magic
But these guys probably have it down best:

"bullet lube is pumped from the lube groove to the barrel surface by
compression, linear acceleration and radial acceleration. In addition, lube
is injected forward during the firing process, as the result of high-pressure gas
leakage into the lube groove. This injection process forms a floating fluid gasket
around the bullet, and serves to limit gas cutting and is a kind of ballistic
stop-leak.Hard lubes must first melt before they can be pumped or injected
by any of these mechanisms."

Incidentally, is probably the BEST overall source of cast bullet info anywhere.
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