New to AR15's would like advice


New member
Well, looks like I'm going to land an AR15 tonight. I am pretty new to the "cult" and know very little. What advice would you give to a new owner?

Details, Bushmaster XM15-E2S 20 inch, a2 100 rds down the bbl.

So, what are the must have additions. I want to shoot scopeless, at least to start with. What are good mags, what are mag's to stay away from? What is good ammo (inexpensive). I'm not a marksman, looking to do informal shooting and 3 gun style competions eventually. Any ammo to stay away from?



New member
Congrats on the AR. Take Noban's advice and go to, it is a great site.

Buy all the GI mags you can. has a great mag section in the old site, look here Old as well.

Look for South African 300 round battlepacks for cheap shooting ammo. I've heard that Korean made PMC (PMC made here is supposedly fine) can be problematic but it's worked fine for me. Personally, I avoid all Wolf ammo.


New member
Ditto SodaPop on ammo.

What you have kdmoore is near GI stock, excellent choice. Add ons? Can't think of anything significant if you don't want to scope her.

Stay away from Wolf .223 (Russian). Very dirty. Shoots okay but who needs the filth?

Congratulations on your new toy. I joined the cult about 2 months ago and have never looked back.


New member
Stay away from any mags that aren't USGI, otherwise you'll end up in trouble like I did:( . Any USA or Patriot Mags run away from screaming.
Personally I like Remington's UMC as it is readily available at Wal-Mart.
Also Check out it's an excellent site with a load of information for the beginners and old hands alike.



New member
Thanks for the advice....

I did the deal this evening. I fell into this deal and have NO regrets.

There were 3 USA mag's included in the deal. Worth rehabbing, or should I pass them on to someone who would be happier than I with them? I consider them as free, as they were tossed in as a sweetner. As I mentioned above, previous owner hadn't shot it much, but he said he did put a full 30 rd mag through without problems. Other 2 are NIWrap.

I'll head over to the sites mentioned above. Sad to learn that TFL is taking a break . Even though I know alot of yall probably post on, I wanted to ask on this site before it is closed down.

Repeat after me Rich S-A-B-B-A-T-I-C-A-L, sabbatical :)


New member
USA mags typically suck. okay for range, but not when you need them to be dependable.

on check out computerguy and 79transam. they both sell mags at good prices and are highly regarded.