New TN law?


New member
Note from Spats McGee: This thread was split off from another one, and makes reference to the following, originally posted by Gary Slider:
Tennessee - House Bill 2370 was signed into law and is effective immediately. Wording was changed in Tennessee Statute “39-17-1359 - Prohibition at Certain Meetings —Posting Notice.”
“Prohibited” was replaced with “Prohibited and Restricted” and then they added wording so only Open Carry could/would be probibited/restricted. is not sure what brought on this change in Tennessee Code. Was it just to add something about Open Carry so it is covered in the statutes or other reasons? Hopefully someone from Tennessee with more knowledge of this bill will chime in. You can read HB 2360 at the first link below and read all of 39-17-1359 for context at the second link.

I'm from Tennessee and this is the first I have heard of it.There is a lady running for governor who says she will fight for your pistol if you own one so maybe I had better start paying more attention to her and what this means! Diane Black is her name.


New member
It's my understanding that the amended TN law is to allow businesses to allow concealed carry but not allow open carry. Before if businesses wanted to not allow open carry, they also had to ban concealed carry. It was all or nothing.