New Taxes & Fees


New member
In the past we have discussed the possibility of increases in Federal and State taxes and/or fees as a form of stealth gun control. Not only would these fees serve to limit the activities of current gun owners, but they would go a long way in discouraging new individuals from exploring the shooting sports.

The attached article states that places like New Jersey (5%) Maryland (50%) and Massachusetts (50%) are considering additional taxes on ammunition. At the Federal level California Representative Linda Sanchez is proposing a 10% additional fee on any gun that can be concealed.

So, be aware that these folks are looking for other ways to restrict our freedoms. When you contact your political leaders this week be sure to mention your opposition to these punitive actions.


Any law that violates the Constitution is no law at all,
I agree that these taxes and fees are designed to get around gun rights and therefore citizens have every right to resist these acts and refuse to go along as much as possible, even now sheriffs across the country are standing up and refusing to go along with the current gun schemes
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Evan Thomas

New member
Any law that violates the Constitution is no law at all,
I agree that these taxes and fees are designed to get around gun rights and therefore citizens have every right to resist these acts and refuse to go along as much as possible...

Let's keep in mind that many forms of tax resistance are criminal acts, and as such, should not be advocated here.


Well are you aware that a number of sheriffs across the country have also risen and publicly stated they will enact no new gun restrictions?


New member
Regardless of how they may feel about any new taxes I am certain that LGS will collect all taxes and fees as required by law. In not doing so I would assume they risk losing their FFL at a minimum.

Remember these taxes are only being proposed and have not already been implemented. So, we still have time to contact our representatives and make our voices heard.


New member
I'm not so sure it's not more a new source of revenue than gun control. Washington likes to spend money.


I'm a little suprised the staff is putting out a warning on citizen protests against upcoming gun legislation including taxes etc,, referring to my previous post, whatever happened to freedom of speech???


New member
The Fed & states have the power to tax. If they raise the tax on ammo to $1 per bullet, they have that right.
Look at what the power to tax has done to tobacco products.
IMHO the 3 states mentioned are "Blue" states thus taxes & anti gun legislation should not be a surprise.
The only defense we have is to vote these people out of office and elect pro Second representatives or tax reformers.

Evan Thomas

New member
sunaj said:
I'm a little suprised the staff is putting out a warning on citizen protests against upcoming gun legislation including taxes etc,, referring to my previous post, whatever happened to freedom of speech???
Sunaj, you misunderstood what I wrote. There's not a thing wrong with protesting, contacting your reps, or organizing to oppose such legislation -- very much the opposite, it's commendable when people do those things.

But when people begin to talk about resisting taxation, or "refusing to go along," it raises flags, because some forms of tax resistance, such as refusing to pay all or part of your taxes, are illegal. What I wrote was just a general warning for folks not to advocate such -- we don't do that here.


New member
So let's see if I get this. They want to make it more expensive to acquire guns and ammo. That helps reduce crime and stop bad guys how? Oh wait I think I have it figured, if it costs more the bad guys will just have to rob more people to get the money to buy guns and ammo. Got to love liberal idiots in our government.


New member
The Supreme Court has consistently upheld the right of the federal government to tax and regulate interstate trade and things made form raw materials transported interstate. As such, since they can not seem to get the type of gun control they want passed the next best thing is to tax firearms and ammo and components to death.
You will still be able to shoot but be prepared to pay through the nose for the privilege.