new taurus


New member
As opposed to what, and which ones, specifically? I've got two model 85 .38s, both Ultra-lights and the fit and finish, not to mention the shootability and accuracy are fine, in my experience. Can't beat the price, either. Wolfsong. P.S. I'm actually very interested in how the new OSS DS .45 is going to be received. What I've read about it sounds good so far. Gonna ask a couple of my local gun shops about them this weekend.


New member
P.S. I'm actually very interested in how the new OSS DS .45 is going to be received]

Me too, as far as the Taurus revolvers go, I also have an 85 UL/SS and it is a very fine revolver.............hpg

Ivory Grips

New member
The Taurus Model 85 .38 Special (all steel) is my first and only Taurus pistol I own. I love this little gun, it's my personal carry piece. Quality wise, this gun reminds me of my first handgun that I purchased overseas, back in the 1960's which was a pre-war S&W .38 Special Combat Masterpiece. The little Taurus, as least in my opinion, has that quality that his seldom found in many handguns that are manufactured these days. I'll never sell it!


New member
You get what you pay for. I bought one, I sold one. Total POS. While I'm sure you can get a good one, I got a bad one and I'm done with Taurus. Again, you get what you pay for.

Cost is what you pay, value is what you get....

The Real Wyatt

New member
I have hundreds of guns; four of which are recent (circa 2006) Taurus models. A M85, 44-Ten Tracker, 24/7 Pro and a M970. All are superb guns, flawless in acuracy, flawless in fit and function. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend a modern Taurus firearm to anyone. When I bought my M85 I held it in one hand and a S&W .38 in the other hand. Comparing the percieved quality of workmanship, I setteled on the Taurus gun. On that particular day, in that particular shop, the Taurus revolver was superior to the S&W revolver.


New member
I have 4 Taurus revolvers.

I have a Taurus 44SS 4” barrel. First time I took it to the range the front sight fell off into the gravel. That is right just came, I looked at the target and noticed something strange, no front sight. There it was to rest in the gravel never to be found again. Called Taurus ordered a new front sight. After 4 emails sent to them (last 3 not nice) and around 6-8 Months, can’t remember exactly. The front sight blade arrived with a new pin. Well the front sight did not have a hole in it so I had to set it and drill it myself. By the time I set the pin, the front sight cam up a little, so it doesn’t look that great. Mostly my fault but if they would have drilled if for me, it would I guess, have fit better. So that is my Taurus rant.

Taurus praise. I bought a used .41 Tracker from a guy out of the paper. It is an early tracker doesn’t say ‘Tracker’ on the side. One cylinder was a little sticky and made the trigger feel gritty on that cylinder only. Called them and sent it to them. It was back that week and fixed.

My 2 Taurus for CCW are in the photo below. .357 and 44 Special. Never had a problem at all with the two. The only thing was ammunition in the .357. Remanufacture .357 158 Grain recoiled so much the bullets jump the crimp and tied up the cylinder. So I carry 125’s in it. I want to get some of the Speer Short barrel 357, I think they are 135 grain.

One problem with these spurless Taurus is trying to find a good holster, if anyone know one let me know! I have one for the .357 that is for a S&W firearm and works ok but since it is spurless I had the handgun fall out one time why tieing my shoe taking photos one day.

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Mark Milton

I am notoriously picky about wheelguns.

I recently replaced my Chiefs Special .357 with a Taurus CIA in the same caliber.
Taurus had a ball locking detent on the crane/yoke. Smith didnt.

The Taurus has a rust resistant trigger and the smith didn't.

Other than that, they shoot about the same.

You tell me.....


New member
The more I handle my 605, the more I appreciate the quality workmanship, fit, and finish. I kid you not. :)


New member
Just something missing

in my opinion, some models are kinda ugly, guess I just like the Smiths better. Good thing we are all made differant, right?


New member
Never had any problems with my Taurus 431 in .44 Special. Admittedly, only an n of 1 here, but at least it's been positive.


New member
I have one Taurus, 4410, but no complaints. It feels, looks, sounds, and most importantly shoots better than I expected for the price. Every gun purchase is a gamble, though. I plan to buy another Taurus, 44 mag raging bull.


New member
I am seriously thinking about purchasing a Taurus 850 Titanium. I tried starting a thread about it earlier without much luck. Anyways, what can you guys tell me about this snubby? How are the CIA models in general? The fact that the titanium is a mere 16oz is really appealing to me for concealment. I also really like the concealed hammer, and the overall design of the gun. Let me know guys, yay or nay?

Also, how does the titanium frame stack up against the original steel frame as far as longevity?