New Targets For Terrorists.


New member
As time goes on, you wonder if the terrorists who hate the US will begin to recruit from within our own hate groups. They may start training Green Peace types, especially youth, to carry the fight for the cause to the "evil corporate american empire". Then we may see planes crashing into refineries, large dams, nuclear power plants, etc.

This seems to be a logical future step, especially now that they have ensured suspicion of any middle eastern looking people.

There are many here at home, who hate what our country stands for. I hope I am wrong, but it seems to me that some of our own government schooled youth may be recruited to move against us. Be ever aware.

Dave R

New member
True story...when I lived near Santa Cruz in the late '80s, not long after the Loma Prieta quake, we suddenly lost power again late at night.

Turned out some local, home-grown radical environmental group had blown up a power transformer.

They're here.