new supplier


New member
I recently received a catalog from Graf and Sons. It looks like they have some decent prices. Anybody have any experience with these folks? Thanks.


New member
I buy stuff from Graf's store in St. Charles occasionally. They're pretty good to deal with. I understand that the Graf & Sons outfit is related, but not the same thing...

John Marshall

New member
I have dealt with Graf & Sons several times and have always received great service and prompt deliveries. My only complaint with them is; they send me this 200 +/- page catalog every year and I start spending money I don't need to spend. When I was just dealing with their web site, I could avoid it but with that darn catalog sitting on my desk.... :D


New member
John Marshall: Yup, that catalog is what started me wondering. It arrived and I took a look and thought, wow, these guys have got it all. Plus at pretty reasonable prices. I'm gonna give them a try. I can here my UPS guys groaning already. Stay safe.

Mal H

Graf & Sons - Good folks, good prices, good service. I've always liked their variety of products including some relatively hard to find powders.

Bob C

New member
I placed my first order with them last week, and received it six days later. They only had ten of an item I ordered twenty four of (for a price break), but sent the ten they had, and with the percentage discount. I can't complain about that. Their prices, plus the "handling" charge is net with shipping, too.

I'll order from them again.

Jack Straw

New member
They have good prices but they are frequently out of items that I try to order. I'm not talking about exotic items, just standard reloading components for common calibers and other items that you would really expect them to have in stock. Otherwise, I like dealing with them.
