New Steyr polymer pistol


New member
I just handled this at Cabela's today. It seems to fit my hand well. The trigger is very smooth, and the sights are....unique. I next picked up a Walther PPS, but the trigger was notchy compared to the Steyr. Both are 9mm, and I know they have different applications, but is the notchy trigger on the Walther that way on purpose, or are the trigger styles different?


New member
I assume you are talking about the Steyr M-A1. It's not a new pistol - it's been around since the late 1990s. It went off the market in the US a while back, but has been recently re-introduced.

The Wather PPS sometimes has a "gritty" feeling when new, but this quickly shooths out as the pistol breaks in.


New member
I assume you are talking about the Steyr M-A1. It's not a new pistol - it's been around since the late 1990s. It went off the market in the US a while back, but has been recently re-introduced.

The Steyr M is an older design, but the M-A1 and S-A1 designs are less than ten years old (maybe 7 or 8?). The triggers function the same (both act as a safety), but there are different design elements.


New member
The Steyr M is an older design, but the M-A1 and S-A1 designs are less than ten years old (maybe 7 or 8?). The triggers function the same (both act as a safety), but there are different design elements.

I wouldn't call it a different design - more like the next "generation" of the original design, much like the various Glock generations. In fact, one could call the new US-market pistols a "3rd Generation" Steyr M-series pistol, as the trigger, slide, and extractor have been ever-so-slightly redesigned from the previous M-A1a.


New member
Thanks for the info. I know Walther makes a quality product, and I had a rifle from Steyr, which was a fine weapon. I'm looking for something more concealable the the XD9SC I have now. The Steyr I looked at wasn't compact. I hope there is a compact version out, or coming soon.


New member
The PPS is shipped with a preservative that gets sticky when it dries out.

Try taking the striker assembly out of the slide, and putting a drop of oil on the striker where it passes through the plastic housing. Work it a few times, and this should help with the trigger on a new PPS.

I'm inrerested in the Steyr pistols as well, and want to try out their newest revision. I hear the newest ones with the roll pins under the rear sights fixed most of the issues these pistols had before.


New member
It looks like the SA-1 is a nice pistol, but probably more along the lines/size of a Glock G19 or G26 than Walther PPS. With a stated barrel length of 3.6 inches, it's more of a semi-compact than true compact.


I saw the older version (M-9?) a decade ago- liked the grips (allowing very high grip/low bore axis) and sights, but hated the trigger ..... the new version looks blockier with the rail .....

Another plastic pistol ..... meh.


New member
I agree - the 1st generation M-9/40 (with a strange propriatary rail and different grip) was a much more elegant looking pistol than the new A-1 variants.

Supposedly, the new prooduction M-A1s have an improved trigger feel, but I have no first-hand knowledge of this.


New member
I wouldn't call it a different design - more like the next "generation" of the original design, much like the various Glock generations. In fact, one could call the new US-market pistols a "3rd Generation" Steyr M-series pistol, as the trigger, slide, and extractor have been ever-so-slightly redesigned from the previous M-A1a.

I should have clarified... I was referring to the differences between the PPS and Steyr triggers as far as function goes.