New Springfield Champion Stainless!


New member
Just picked her up today! I haven't had time to shoot yet, but got to practice field stripping, lubed the rails with Tetra Grease and wiped out the barrel.

First impressions, very nice finish, no sharp edges, the carry bevel does it's stuff. Crisp trigger. Nice slide-to-frame fit, none of the play I've seen on some earlier examples. Night sights show up very well, look forward to playing with them.

Can't wait to go and shoot her, probably Friday afternoon. Oh yeah, price was $659 plus tax.


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From a first impression standpoint, I'm very happy. I looked seriously at a Kimber Pro Carry HD. For less money the Springfield has night sights, wood grips and a metal, rather than plastic, mainspring housing. I also prefer the mixed brushed/matte finish of the Springfield over the all-matte of the Kimber stainless, but to each his own. I can't wait to shoot it!

Kentucky Rifle

New member

It is TRULY a beautiful pistol! How much does it weigh? I've gone to the gun shop TWICE to buy a Kimber, but didn't because there's something about them I just don't like. No offense meant to the Kimber people. In your defense, I'll say that my gun shop owner told me that everyone he's sold a Kimber to has been competely satisfied in every way. (And he's VERY honest with me.) I think I was "put off" by that frosted slide on the first Kimber I looked at and I haven't recovered from that "first impression" yet.
(In college that was called "Primacy vs. Recency") Judging purely by looks, I'd take the Springfield in a heartbeat. Yours is a work of art. Please post the results of your first range trip.
Oh, how long is that barrel?



New member
Thanks KR. The barrel is 3.9", I don't have an answer on the weight. I agree with you on the "frosted" look on the Kimbers-the workmanship is first class, but the style just doesn't grab me. One other nice feature on the SA-the backstrap is checkered, I think this is a new feature, the older ones I've seen are "serrated".

One thing I have noticed-when I put a magazine into the grip it hits the mag latch for lack of a better term. I have to depress the mag release to install it fully. Is this typical on 1911's or SA's?

Alabaster Jones

New member
I'm lovin it! Springfield Stainless Champion is my favorite 1911/clone variant. I agree the brushed finish gives it a much more upscal look than the matte of the K guns.

Kentucky Rifle

New member

I think if you pushed a little harder the mag would seat. However, I do understand what you mean. On some of my autos, I push the mag button a little to more easily let the mag slide in. I do this in the hope of doing less wear to the latch. (It probably doesn't help a bit. Maybe Tamara, Mike, or George will come along and give us a definite answer.) When I insert a mag into the grips of one of my Glocks, it goes in easier and with a positive CLICK. But I do try to save wear and tear on my Colt Mustang (especially) by pushing the mag release button a little when I insert a mag. I love that little pistol. (And now that it's loaded with RBCD ammo, it's a force to be reckoned with!)
Your pictures are pretty great! That shiny Springfield on the blue gun sock (I guess?) makes for a great contrast. I keep coming back to look. I may have to get one of those.
Is the frame aluminum or stainless steel? My gun shop had one that looked like yours and it had an aluminum frame. However, I think the grips were black rubber.



New member
Nice weapon.

I love my V-10. I usually have to push my mag release button to seat the magazine. I think you can force it but my thumb is usually right there anyway so it's not a big deal. I'm told that "loaded/customized" 1911's are just tighter on tolerances so it's typical that you have to depress the button to seat a mag.

I just received my new holster from Galco yesterday for mine.

My v-10 is heavy, but the Galco Royal Guard feels better than the NSA II holster I was using's much more secure and easier to put on and easier to reholster the weapon.

Good luck at the range. My V-10 shoots better than I do......

Mr. James

New member

Nice looking pistol. I have a Parkerized Champion LW - as fond as I am of that gun, it isn't near as purty as yours. Everything about that Champion just fits me to a T, and despite its light weight, it's a pleasure to shoot.

Speaking of weight, Springfield says your Champion weighs 34 oz.

Enjoy it, sir.


New member
Well, I finally got to the range today. This is my first 1911 varient, and with all the problems discussed with some of them I was a bit leary. I ran 150 rounds of 230 gr ball, American Eagle. It is dirty ammo (bought it so I could have the brass), but the Springfield digested it just fine. Quite impressed with the trigger, and how much easier it is to shoot well with a decent trigger. There is some slight take-up, but no creep, with a crisp let-off at (I'm guessing) around 6 lbs. I'll get out the scale for some better figures. The only other centerfire handgun that I currently own is a Witness compact-it's trigger isn't bad, but it sure doesn't compare to the Springfield. I also shot a box (20 rounds) of 230 g HydraShocks, it also handled them just fine. I have 165 grain Hyrda's for my carry load, I need to pick up a few boxes and verify reliability.

Accuracy seemed to be very good, with some 25 yard groups running around 2", throwing out some fliers on my part. I sure wish I could shoot like some of you and do tight groups consistantly. Lets just say the gun is more accurate than I am. I also spend some time in rapid presentation and rapid fire shooting, found it very easy to get on target quickly.

Upon cleaning it, I found the guts to be pretty well gummed up with the cheap ammo, I'm kind of supprised that there were no reliablilty problems. Prior to shooting I did lube the feed ramp and the magazines (especially the lips) with a very light shot of Tetra, which I then wiped off. I don't know if that helped the reliability any, but it made things fairly easy to clean.

I picked up some .45 dies for my reloader (RCBS Pro 2000) and some 185 grain jacketed SWC bullets, should have them loaded and be back to the range by Sunday. I expect some mild loads with lighter bullets to be even more fun to shoot.

I was also out playing in the dark to see how the night sights will show up for me. I think they will be great, they stand out very well, and I was easily able to "draw down" on objects that I could not have without them. This was a non-firing exercise to avoid spooking the neighbors. I've got some other property where I should be able to shoot afer dark without causing too much excitment, hope to get out there next week. The only issue is the with the 3 dots-at first it takes a bit to figure out which one is the front sight. I'm sure this will come with experience.

And to the issue with the mags not going in till the mag release was pressed, non-issue. It did not show up during shooting today, I probably was just being a little too gentle the other night.

Sorry for the rambling review, but I wanted to share the excitment with wife just doesn't understand. Gotta work on that, I think she has inherited a Witness


New member
Good on ya! Be careful though, some of the members of this forum will be trying to tell you that you have to buy 200 rounds of those 165 grain Hydra-Shoks, and then shoot them all without a single malfunction (or you have to start over from zero.:rolleyes: ) before you can carry your new gun. I figure it to be much talk with little practice, there may be a few rich souls that do it, but fewer than the number that claim the practice.


New member
Brian, I think you made a good choice!

I thought I'd include a pic of my well-used 2000 model SS Champion. Stock except for a Bulletproof extractor, S&A checkered MSH magwell and S&A faux ivory stocks.

This is my carry piece, my IDPA gun and my nightstand companion.


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whitebear, that's a nice looking piece. How do you like the magwell extension? The ivory grips do make it unique.

I'm probably going to do some "customizing", but am not sure where to start. Springfield sets these Loadeds up pretty well out of the box. I may use some moly-resin on the frame for a two-tone style, I really like the CDP and some of the SA Ultracompacts I've seen this way.

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Brian -


I like the magwell extension a lot. I have giant paws (really big palms, average fingers), so I like the feel of the bit of extra length, and it really does help with speed reloads. I haven't yet blended the magwell funnel into the bevel on the gun, so I'm not getting all the benefits of the funnel yet. The checkering could use a little touch-up as it comes from the box, as well.

One thing to remember about the Champions, they have VERY stout recoil springs. You may think the thing is too tight at first - it will break in. Also, you may end up wanting a trigger job - some other Champions I have tried have had some creep and a fairly heavy trigger out of the box. I got lucky with mine - about 4.5 lbs and crisp after about 1000-1500 rounds.

1911s are like hot rods - they're never really finished!