New Speed Goat decoy!

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Back a hundred-fifty years or so, the deal was to have some colored rags on a stick. Plant the stick, back off downwind behind a clump of brush or grass and wait. Antelope are snoopy-curious and would come to see what this strange object was.

Big mistake...


New member
Having hunted and taken antelope with both archery gear and firearms, I say, "maybe".

I think it might help a hunter to get closer, but antelope are sharp eyed and don't miss much.

I don't think it would allow a person to stalk an antelope very easily across open, flat ground, but I have little doubt it'd allow a person to peek over a ridge or bush without spooking the herd.

Used right during the "rut", it'd likely bring a dominant buck closer to run the "interloper" off, but you'd have to be at least partially concealed.

So, I think the picture of the guy kneeling in the open with his bow drawn is decieving, yet I also believe that such a "tool" might be useful in some situations.

I'd not want to use it during rifle season, with some of the idiots I've seen out "hunting" antelope.



New member
That's also a good hunter decoy. Since deer are colorblind, I'd want mine in Day Glow orange. Because unless you are hunting alone that thing better be bullet proof if it's colored like a real deer.


New member
I read that in the paper at lunch and thought maybe during bow season it might be worth a try but no way I would try that during rifle season...


New member
I agree the first thought that comes to mind is ridiculous and next is dangerous you couldn't pay me to stalk around on the desert wearing that


Spotting for my friend who hunted them with a bow - his favorite method was a simple white piece of cloth waved vigorously for a little bit and then hiding behind a clump of sage brush until their curiosity got the best of them and they came into range