New sig p238 question


New member
My wife got a 238 for x mas and disassembled it.

When she put it back together, it won't go fully into battery. The slide is slightly rear and the guide rod sticking half an inch out below the barrel.

I took it back apart reassembled following manual, very simple, with same results. When I remove the slide release the returns to normal battery.

Any help would be awesome.


New member


New member
reread the manual again. You pushed the slide stop in fully with the slide too far back. ive done it on my 938


New member
Try this...

When you engage the slide, push the slide first only until it is just flush with the guide rod. Put the round part of the pin in first. When it is mostly engaged, then push it further to the takedown point, and push the rest of the pin, the square part into the frame. We have three in the family, and gonna pick up a fourth. We are all kinda shocked at how accurate the little things are!


New member
Looks like she missed the hole in the barrel with the slide release.

Take the whole thing apart and take a look again - the slide release goes through the hole under the barrel. It can be tricky getting everything to line up, but just play with it until it all lines up, then drop in the slide release.

Also, a big piece of advice: You need to push the ejector down to clear the slide when reassembling everything. Only push it down enough to clear the slide, don't ever push it down any further than you need to. If it pops down and stays there, you supposedly need to disassemble most of the pistol to fix it.
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New member
Kirk is right on with his two P238 and P938 will do the same thing if I am not paying attention. Accuracy and mild recoil are these little pistol's positive points.


New member
Yup... didn't get the slide release in the right spot (through the cam hole in the barrel). The easiest way is to look through the hole as you slide the slide/barrel assembly on (once you've cleared the ejector, as smax says), insert the slide release partway (through the cam hole in the barrel) once it's lined up, then keep retracting the slide until you can push the slide release home through the slide notch.

Same thing happened to a friend of mine when she bought a P238. Couldn't get it back together right, I ended up using Facetime video conferencing on my own P238 to show her how it's done. Once you get it right, it's easy-peasy.


New member
Yup... didn't get the slide release in the right spot (through the cam hole in the barrel). The easiest way is to look through the hole as you slide the slide/barrel assembly on (once you've cleared the ejector, as smax says), insert the slide release partway (through the cam hole in the barrel) once it's lined up, then keep retracting the slide until you can push the slide release home through the slide notch.

Precisely. OP, are you doing OK now?