New shoes -- excuse for some gratuitous gun photos


New member
I acquired a Nighthawk Falcon awhile back. I’ve only put about 300 rounds of FMJ through it but love it so far. It’s becoming a favorite. Anyway, I thought I would share some gratuitous photos. The first photo is the first target I shot (rapid fire) from ten yards. The last is the obligatory slide to frame fit photo. What doesn’t show up so well in these photos is the ball cut serrations on top. I got some new grips for the gun which I will post in the second message.



New member
I really liked the ball cuts on the Nighthawk and on one of my carry pistols, a Dan Wesson Valkyrie. I decided to play on the theme by getting some grips with the same look. When doing some research, I ran across some VZ G-10 grips exclusive to Harrison Design. According to Harrison, the grips were less abrasive when carrying than most but provided a good grip when shooting. I decided to try them and, they feel fairly aggressive when holding them in my hand (I haven’t actually shot either gun with those grips yet). I was surprised to find that were indeed much less abrasive when I carried my Valkyrie today IWB next to bare skin.

Anyway, some more gratuitous photos.



New member
Ha! I didn't know Nighthawk produced a stripped down economy model. No, I ordered the NH with a couple of custom options -- fiber optic front, different rear sight, thin grips, medium length trigger. Why? I liked those better. Note: I think the GRP is the lowest price model.

I will say that I ordered through and got a discounted price. He and a couple of other dealers in high end 1911s have great reputations for working with buyers and giving good discounts.


New member
If i recall this company was started by people, who had worked at Wilson Combat.
That's correct. They apparently had a period with some growing pains but appear to have worked those out. I couldn't be more pleased with the Nighthawk (knock on wood).


New member
Looks like a fun ride.

And... nice table. It looks familiar. ;)



New member
Thanks. I'll also take this opportunity to give another plug for the grips since I've now actually shot with them. They feel somewhat aggressive when shooting and they grip as well as anyone should need. However, they are non-abrasive when carrying next to skin. The only grips I have that are less abrasive to the skin are completely smooth grips. I may end up with another set to go on another pistol.