"New" security alert level at YELLOW!


Member In Memoriam
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Be calm!


FBI recently issued a Homeland Security Report/Threat Level Warning! that we're still at (only) Threat Level Yellow - although they've received info that The Terrs may be targeting shopping centers.

Be Calm! No specific targets identified. Watch Out!

Only you & yours may be blown to hell. The rest of us will be OK.

Thank you for being alert!

<message ends ... >


Why the hell are these yahoos even bothering?

I highly suspect that:

1) we will stay at Threat Level Yellow forever, to allow any/all further erosions of our rights.

2) we will never get to know if anybody in specific will be blown up for fear of "alerting/scaring" the masses, leading to mass hysteria/trampling.

I feel so much better about this whole mess .... :barf:


New member
FBI recently issued a Homeland Security Report/Threat Level Warning! that we're still at (only) Threat Level Yellow - although they've received info that The Terrs may be targeting shopping centers.
Who ya gonna call?



- pdmoderator


Member In Memoriam
Yah! Yoo funny, pd.

Sorry (not) .... so sick of this Threat Level BS .... as if!

Perhaps I wax cynically?


Member In Memoriam
And a New One!

Just issued! Fox Newz 3:56 MDT

... for the Arabian Peninsula/Persian Gulf Area - by The State Dept ....

Remain calm! No Specific Alert! But, look out! Watch for your surroundings!

Condition Yellow! again (sigh)

Resume Safe Speed!


Seriously ....



New member
Where'd you get that "condition yellow" message? If I was a bad guy, and wanted to harm our economy (hey, hit 'em in the breadbasket...), I'd spread "folks are gonna blow up malls" rumors.

Don't let the Arabs win.


Member In Memoriam
"Arabs," bogie?

$#!+ - We're doing it to ourselves.

Far as the 2X yellow alerts. They came hot offa the presses @ Fox NewZ - times indicated by the post/s - The TeeWee (source of comfort & alarm).

& dintcha know? We're officially at Condition Yellow! Normal status in these perilous times.

I'll take your "don't let the Arabs win" post to mean that there's a choice.

I'm all for that (although totally non-racial), but wonder just what advise would preclude allowing them to win.

Point of the thread is:

1) what do these absolutely non-specific threat levels accomplish?

2) do they only aggrevate "us" to a heightened state of "awareness?"

2a) if so, what actions do we take to alleiviate our exposure?

2b) & what is it that we should watch out for? A rapidly expanding gas-ball?

Seriously. Why even bother if "they" cannot be more specific. Damnitall! Traffic reports at the least tell us there's an accident at X/Y intersection ....

If you haven't noticed, I am extremely leery of this whole Homeland Security nonsense.

Coments, obviously welcome ..... pretty much the whole point.


New member
If you haven't noticed, I am extremely leery of this whole Homeland Security nonsense.

You're not the only one. To me they feel like NAZI. To be honest I am losing faith in Bush. What we need is another Regan! Government is not the solution it is the problem, less government more freedom! To me Bush is moving to the left with more government and more spending.


New member
You may be hiting the nail on the head. It's amazing what an armed public can do to thwart terrorism.


New member
You know, when you mix together all the "alert" colors you get. . .


I've got no use for Tommy Ridge and this whole alert color Bravo Sierra.