New Scope on my Rifle


New member
I just replaced my original Nikon 3-9 X 40 scope (excellent) with a new Mueller 4-16 X 50 AO with the lighted dot. A friend runs a gun store and can put any scope on his guns he wants. He's had Swarovski's, Leupold's and all the top ones but settled on Springfield scopes in the last few years prefering them to all others. He can't get them now due to the war so has been putting Mueller's on his guns. I looked through a few of them and they were really nice so stuck one on my Ruger Mk II all-weather .300 Win. Mag. Since these pictures I've added a sun shade extension on the end.

Anyone had any experience with these?


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New member
Your gun store friend settled on Springfield scopes but says he can't get them because of the war?

Sounds like a line of BS to me. Haven't seen a Springfield scope in any arms room yet.

Hope you have good luck with your scope.



New member
Mueller and Springfield are exceedingly shoddy optical wares,prone to mechanical failures.

Bottom rung,for sure.................

Relentlesss Pursuit

Oh geez.... I didn't want to hear that... :(

Where did you hear that? I've heard only the opposite. :confused:


New member
Simmons is shoddy. :D

I had a 3-9 X40 Nikon on it before this scope. I chose the Nikon after comparing (looking through) them with Leupold, Burris and the rest. This Mueller replaced the Nikon and is optically every bit as good IMHO. They may seem shoddy if you are comparing them to $1600 German scopes but I can't afford those anyway. The early ones were shoddy before they changed to a one piece tube in 2006.

Why would a gun dealer who with 40 years experience put them on his guns? This is someone who has had Swarovski's on his guns.

Anyway, time will tell I guess.

Armed Citizen

New member
Just got a scope myself for my .300WM, picked up gently used Bushnell Elite 4200 series 2.5-10x40 in silver off craigslist. Was way cheaper than anything going on ebay new or used.