New SAR1, (AK): Update.


New member
I removed the wood from my SAR1, and stripped it as well as possible. Could not get all of the red out of the wood.
Even soaked the wood in bleach 2 times! :eek:

I applied two coats of a stain/polymer mix, that was a white pine color.
I couldn't get the color as light as I would have liked, but it looks much better than when I started.
I used some Outers Gun Blue, from Wally World to touch up all of the metal. I was surprised how well this worked.

I reassembled and took to the range, with 5 mags full of ammo.
I wanted to sight in the gun, and check reliability of the gun and the mags.

I had purchased a sight adjustment tool from Tapco. I should have checked the fit before going to the range, as the hole was almost too small to fit over the stud on the left side of the sight.

I put a target 25yds out from the bench, and shot from the 5rd mag, over sandbags. After about 20 rds, I had the windage and elevation dead on, so I headed to a pistol range.
(At our club the two rifle ranges are very busy this time of year, with hunters sighting in their guns. As I didn't have a scope, I was walking out to the target after every 4 rounds, so it was time to move on.)

I didn't bump fire the gun, but I did fire several rapid fire strings per mag.
I would empty one mag at a bullseye or silhouette, then shoot pistols while the gun cooled off.

No jams or ftf at all in 150rds.
The gas block is slightly canted, but it doesn't affect function at all.
All of the mags are sound.
Standing, and taking my time, I could put all 30 shots in a 2" circle from 25yds with no problem.

After about 120rds, it was obvious that I did have some trigger slap. My finger was really throbbing at the end of the session.
(I dremelled the offending part, and reassembled before I went to bed that night. :D )
I found a nice quarter-sized bruise on my shoulder, so I ordered a Tapco recoil pad the next day.

The SAR1 is a keeper. Very acceptable accuracy for the plinking that I intend to use it for.
The gun appears rugged, reliable, compact, easy to use, and not that heavy.

If you are not afraid to tinker, these can provide many afternoons of fun.
Actually, if you don't mind the ugly paint job, and only shoot 1 or 2 mags per range session, you could get by without touching a thing.

sleeping dog

New member
Kleen-Strip makes a 2-part wood bleach that's pretty good at removing the red or pumpkin color from wood. It was less effective at removing the black grain color from one of the other pieces of wood.


george miller

New member
do any of the other surplus wood sets fit?i put a "bulgarian" black synthetic on mine-the "us" one from kvar.looks much better and it has heat shields built right into the lower handguard,no more smokin wood(lol)the newer 2002 model sar1s seem to have been upgraded a bit on cosmetic appearance,i hated the "poop" colored wood on my 2001 model.they are great guns and can really take a beating.


New member


New member
Once you do the truck bed liner thing, there is no turning back!!!!
I had a Marlin 336 with a cracked stock, glued and screwes back
together, then TBL'ered it. Now my SAR 3 as will as a 1903 Turk and a VZ-24 have it as a finish(last two also cracked stocks)
Works very well.
Nice gun you have there!!!!!!!
