*New* S&W Commemorative Handguns


New member
Received this in my email this morning.
I guess they've got to do something...

Smith & Wesson Commemorative Guns
Presented by Charles Heller

I'm sure that by now Smith & Wesson has realized that it has committed a serious faux paux with the gun owners of America, and will have to rely on government contracts to avoid bankruptcy. I'm sure that the brilliant minds at Smith & Wesson are thinking of ways to increase sales to federal agencies. Perhaps they've considered the commissioning of new commemorative firearms. Some possibilities include:

1. The Lon Horiuchi Model 629 Commemorative .44 magnum.
This one comes with a scope with a range-finding feature: when a woman holding a baby just fills the two horizontal stadia wires in the scope, you know your target is precisely 100 yards away.

2. The Janet Reno Model 625 Commemorative .45 ACP.
This model includes a "Bill of Rights" test target. The unfluted cylinder is engraved with scenes showing the burning Branch Davidian "compound" and the siege at Ruby Ridge.

3. The Bill Clinton Model 617 Commemorative .22 LR.
This one fits a 6 year old child's hand especially well for upcoming anti-self-defense media deployment strategies.

4. The Al Gore Commemorative Sigma .40 S&W.
This gun is actually made of wood and includes a special "sash" holster for carrying into Buddhist temples.

5. The Hillary Clinton Commemorative Model 3906 in 9mm.
This model has a dime inlaid in each of the grips, which pop out in case the user feels a need to tip any single-mom waitresses.

6. The Vince Foster Model 36 Commemorative .38
"Chief's" Special with the "make it look like suicide barrel" that, when used to shoot someone in neck, makes it look like they placed the barrel in their mouth. This "suicide special" was especially made by S&W using 100% recycled parts salvaged from Spanish S&W knockoffs originally manufactured between 1900 and 1920. Thus it is also "Earth friendly" and comes with an official US Department of Energy green "Energy Star" sticker.


Staff Emeritus
The Bush Senior Model: You pull the trigger and it says,
"Read my lips! Read my lips! Read my lips!"

The Bush Junior Model: You pull the trigger and it says,
"I can beat Ann Richards!" pauses, then says slowly, "I think!"

Any new model S&W made two years from now: You pull the trigger and it says,
"Fatal error. Press Ctrl, Alt, Delete to reboot!"

Dennis Olson

New member
Any new model S&W made two years from now: You pull the trigger and it says,
"Fatal error. Press Ctrl, Alt, Delete to reboot!"

That would only happen if the software is from MicroSnot. Oh, and you'd need to buy a "bigger gun" with a faster CPU and more memory every 6 months, or the upgrades to the software would slow it down to the point where it fires 15 seconds after you pull the trigger.


New member
I heard that Janet Reno model can be ordered with the optional underlug gas-grenade-launcher/flame-thrower combo or , for off hours, the "flouck yooou, Dooo yooou knooow who aaam I?" breathalyzer.

John Overbey

New member
Could I get one of those "micro-snot" smart guns from Gateway? That way, I'd be able to turn it in every two years for a new one that would have the faster processor as well as all the new saftey devices the lawyers have come up with in the two years since the last model...