New Russian Break-Open .357 Mag


New member
From the Guns & Ammo web site.....

- Nurnberg Germany’s International Trade Fair for Hunting and Shooting Arms -

"Radically different is this top-break .357 Magnum revolver built by Russia’s Bail featuring a polymer frame."

Interesting ... good to see the Russians are keeping busy making civilian arms. First I've heard of a polymer frame revolver! I wonder what it weighs. -- Kernel


New member
I like. I want.

That list of things to get keeps growing and growing.

Should have taken those offers 6 months ago so I could buy these things faster.

I always liked break top revolvers. Now tell me that the ejector throws the cases 20 feet away and that it takes S&W speedloaders.

Matt VDW

New member
I'm glad to see that, but a little sad to know that the Russians are making American gunmakers eat their dust when it comes to innovative wheelgun designs.

Can we trade them 100,000 of our lawyers for 20 of their engineers? :)


New member
I'm glad to see that, but a little sad to know that the Russians are making American gunmakers eat their dust when it comes to innovative wheelgun designs.

I am sad to said that you're are right. American gun makers are preoccupied with 1911 for the past few decades that they forgotten to innovate.


New member
Thanks but no thanks

Think about this for a second. If a polymer frame revolver was do-able, don'tcha think S&*, Colt or Taurus would have at least done one in .22LR by now?
For the time being, I think this design is more gimmick than anything else.


New member
American gun makers are stagnet and have been for years. It looks like this gun is made by Bikal (sp) they are a very large producer of guns. They make very respectable shotguns for a very reasonable price.

It appears to me that American gun makers cannot afford to step out of the box. By the time they design a new gun they cannot afford to sell it cheap enough to get people to try it. Every time Colt made something that was not single action or a Python they got hammered. They had the very inovative 2000 model. This gun was ergonomic lightweight and hi-cap. Plus you could make it a short barrel carry piece by simply changing the barrel and front end bushing. Smacked down becuase it was double action only.

Matt VDW

New member
If a polymer frame revolver was do-able, don'tcha think S&*, Colt or Taurus would have at least done one in .22LR by now?
American gun makers thought that polymer frame pistols were "gimmicky" until Glock took the police market away from them.



This reminds me of a thread a looong time ago about top break revolvers...I love the concept but I remember being told that that design is too weak to handle the type of pressures that the magnums generate...does this mean that polymers can take it and metals won't...

Also, I completely agree with Matt...I remember when the Glock hit and all the american makers were crying about how bad the concept was...I dare anyone here to point to an american maker now that doesn't have at least one poly pistol...I dare ya...

Personally I think the big time revolver companies never tried to make one because of the fear that the traditionalists would make too much noise...


this is that thread I was talking about...

[Edited by DeakonG on 06-04-2001 at 01:41 PM]


New member
that's the most bueatyful thing i've ever seen.
Please, oh powers that be, tell me they'll import them some day!


New member
Glocks were a gimmck

gim·mick (gmk)

1.)A device employed to cheat, deceive, or trick, especially a mechanism for the secret and dishonest control of gambling apparatus.
2.)An innovative or unusual mechanical contrivance; a gadget.(emphasis mine)

I still believe this is a gimmick as defined above. Nothing's wrong with being a gimmick, it just takes a different set of goals.


Moderator Emeritus
I believe that...

...we'd find a relatively conventional steel frame beneath that polymer, probably with a Dan-Wessonesque single attachment point for the grips.


im suprise the other gun co. havent used polamers for revolvers like they have for auto pistol.those hi doller alloys are cool and all but 600 bucks for a snubie is too hi for me.

Joe Demko

New member
Not having read the article, I'll go out on a limb here and conjecture that only the grip portion of the frame is polymer. The half that has the barrel and is exposed to powder gas is metal. Regardless, I want one, too. Legally, I can't see why it wouldn't be importable. Look at the tons of revolvers brought in from Italy.


New member
"They had the very inovative 2000 model. This gun was ergonomic lightweight and hi-cap. Plus you could make it a short barrel carry piece by simply changing the barrel and front end bushing. Smacked down becuase it was double action only."

Uh.. actually every one i ever saw of these while working at two different gun stores over the span of 8 years was total CRAP. The would not function. Felt great in the hand, easy to rack the slide, trigger was wierd but ok, but they would not function.

We had a customer who wanted one of the presentation grade 2000s, with a steel frame and wooden grips. He changed his mind after the first four that we got could not finish a single magazine.

The only other gun that i ever saw that consistently was this bad was the Lorcin .380.

As for the new Russian top-break .357, that is COOL!!! I want on of those BAD. Now if they would make one in .45 acp that uses regular moon clips............


New member
The 2 colt 2000's I own have gone thru 1500 rds just fine. They are a little complicated to take apart and put togther. mis-assembly caused the problems with the only one I have ever come into contact with that would not shoot.


New member

This is the responce I just got from EAA Corp when I emailed them and asked if they planned to import this revolver. Damn.


"Russia’s Bail..." -- Kernel

Bet that's 'Baikal'. They make good guns at inexpensive prices.

It looks like the polymer joins steel which is the "bottom strap". I see no reason why this wouldn't work, especially with steel inserts for recoil shield, etc.

But shooting hot .357 Mag loads in a top-break?

Hmmm...I'd have to be made a believer.

"Can we trade them 100,000 of our lawyers for 20 of their engineers?" -- Matt VDW

Do you think that's fair? To the Russians, I mean. LOL!


New member
Gimmick or not they are trying something new and that the reason why foreign gun companies took over the US market. They aren't afraid to fail.


New member
Like I said in another Baikal thread, innovative or not, gimmick or not, boldly go where other mfgs fear to tread or not, when it comes to Baikal, the line forms in front of me.