New Ruger LCP II, A Couple Issues


New member
So I bought a new Ruger LCP II a while back. I love the little gun, and am happy with it, except for a couple issues:
1. Fail to feed last round from factory 6 round magazine. Ejects the 5th round, then jams the 6th round, trapping it between the feed ramp and the slide coming forward. This happens every time I run a mag through it.
2. Magazine well obstruction....the magazine goes about 1/3 to 1/2 way into the well, then stops like it has hit a wall. If I slap it hard with the heel of my hand, it will slide in and lock. Or, pushing in the mag release button very lightly will also allow the magazine to slide in freely.

Anybody else experience these issues with their new LCP II? When I contacted Ruger, they said to disassemble the magazine and give the mag spring one quick stretch, as a possible fix for the 6th round FTF. I've done this, but haven't had it out to the range to test for effect yet.
On the other issue, when I look in the mag well, it appears the "far" side of the mag catch is not quite fully retracting, and hanging up the mag upon insertion. Weak spring, possibly?


New member
Ruger's got a pretty good customer service reputation so I'd send it back to them for the work.

Plus if all you guys that have problems with Rugers make Ruger fix 'em on Ruger's dime maybe they will notch up their quality control and next time I buy one of their products it'll be perfect right out of the box. :D


New member
I don't own a LCPII yet, but I've handled a couple, and the 'hard to seat mag,' issue you describe is not normal. And may have something to do with why your gun is having feeding issues. I'd send it in for a look.


New member
Yes, it sounds very similar to what happen to the one my son owns. Called Ruger several times, tried all the "fixes" they said should help and after insisting a bit, they took it in and fixed it... after 2 trips to the shop. Not hard to deal with them but it took some time between when I first called to report the problem till the resolution.
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New member
So far, I've shot Winchester white box 95 grain RN, as well as my own reloads, which were X-Treme 100 gr plated RNFP over Universal Clays.


New member
And I take it you had identical problems with both of these loads? Did your 100-gr loads pass the chamber "plunk test"?

BTW, whoever at Ruger told you to stretch out your magazine springs doesn't have the first clue about springs! I'd recommend calling again in case a less ignorant tech answers the phone.


New member
Try a couple different bullet profiles. I get a similar failure from mine when I shoot XTP's, but it does better with RNFP.

Ruga Booga

New member
Took a trip to the range yesterday with my lcp2, the one I posted about earlier in this thread. Out of only 18 rounds I had 2 failure to eject and once the slide failed to lock open on the last shot. I was using Hornady American gunner 90 gn xtp. I only have one magazine right now so I can't determine if that was an issue. Next time I go out I'll have another magazine and several different types of ammo to see if the problem still persists. My first 200rounds i fired through the gun was Herters fmj and they all fired fine. I'm not really happy considering this is my EDC gun and ammo. Its hard to beat the Lcp as far as concealment goes, imho