New Rollmark Colt


New member
Okay, I have to admit, Colt might be back. I recently bought one of the new rollmark 1991s. I've spent the last 11 years badmouthing Colt in general, but they got it right this time. This is NOT the 1991 of the past 11 years.

They should have called this the New Model 1911. It truly lives up to the name.
The trigger is crisp. The fitting is just right. No gaps. The rear of the slide fit to frame looks like a custom gun.

The blueing on this thing is Old School.

They even included cocobolo grips and Wilson hex heads on the stock gun. I mean, this thing is RIGHT. It fed everything, including some ancient flat point lead reloads I dug out of the attic. Over 600 rounds of various ammo and the only failure was operator induced (failed to seat the mag). No break in period. Nice groups shot to point of aim at 10 meters. Outshoots any Kimber I've owned (several).

Negatives: I prefer a round mainspring housing and short trigger. Oh well. Housing's flat and trigger's long. I can live with that. Also, both are still plastic.

If you're looking for a stock 1911, this one's a winner.

I'm at work right now. I'll post pics later.


New member
I guess I'm glad (It's really hard to overcome the bad feelings I have for them regarding past sloppy manufacturing and especially how they treated the American public a few years back) to hear Colt is making quality 1911's again. My last experience with them was a defender series pistol. The happiest days of my life were the day I bought it (then I shot it) and the day I got rid of it (the next day) for a Kimber Ultra carry. I'll be interested to see the new Smith and Wesson 1911. Competition can only improve the breed.


New member
I have four new Colts, two of the new rollmark Governments (blue and STS), a new Series 70, and a WW2 repro. All are excellent guns. However, there are still a few that show up from time to time with problems so look yours over good before buying.

And BTW the trigger is actually aluminum now. Look at it closer.


New member
Glad to hear that Colt quality is coming back up, but for the price of their guns it shouldn't have gone down hill in the first place.


New member
At one point Colt decided it wouldn't sell guns to the American public. They were only going to sell to LE and Military.This was about the time gun lawsuits by cities was taking hold. Colt decided to sell out the second amendment. The backlash caused them to say it was all a big misunderstanding. That's what I'm talking about. Others can probably elaborate better than I.


New member
Colt's treated me well

Two years ago I bought a new Colt Cowboy from an Internet dealer. When the gun arrived I was disappointed in the finish. It was a flat black rather than the Colt blue on the Single-Action Army models. I wrote Colt a letter expressing my displeasure, then sold the gun at a $100 loss.
About six weeks later I received a phone call from Colt. They said if I would return the gun to the factory they would re-blue it for me in the SAA style finish. I explained that I had already sold the gun, and that it had cost me a hundred bucks. Three days later I received a check from Colt reimbursing me for the $100 loss and offering to sell me a new Cowboy for the low dealer net price. I thanked them and explained that due to some medical problems I wasn't in a financial position to purchase any new guns.
Two weeks later the local Colt dealer calls me and tells me that my new gun has arrived. I asked them "what new gun?" They say "your new Colt Cowboy." I called Colt to see what was going on since I'd told them I couldn't afford to buy a new gun. I was transferred to a VP for Marketing who informed me that the gun was a gift from Gen. Keys.


New member
No, as I understand it, Colt made a "deal" with Bill and Janet to not sell evil guns of any kind to the public in exchange for not getting sued and the granting certain "exclusive" contracts involving the M16. Well, 'ol Bill waited until Colt had dismantled their entire product line and marketing organization before giving the contract to HK (I believe), thus pointing out the folly of making a deal with Satan!! I think they got sued as well!! :rolleyes:


New member
LF & denfoote: You are both apparently privy to information previously unavailable to the public! I've followed Colt's story closer than most, and while I remember the Wallstreet Journal announcing Colt wasn't selling to the public, Colt never did, and I've never heard the story about the deal with the government. Do you have any references or details?


New member
Did anyone else read JTWard's post????

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Now THAT'S customer service. JT, just a suggestion, but I think you should start a thread on that one.


New member
The notion that Colt decided to stop selling to the public was total bunk brought on by Newsweek magazine. Colt never said that, but Newsweek claims they did. What Colt actually did was scale their civilian production back for the time being so that they could focus on M4 carbine sales to the military. With their limited finances and resources they simply couldn't do both at once, and civvie production had to wait for a few months since the military contract actually put money in their pocket. That's isn't being a sellout guys, that's the reality faced by a company that has had one foot on bankruptcy and the other on a banana peel since the early 1990's.

Thumper, I'm surprised your new rollmark Colt has a plastic trigger. All the new ones with the polished flats and wood grips that I've seen have black alloy triggers with a serrated face.

Dave AA

New member
Colt did indeed make concessions to the Clinton Regime in return for the M4 contract, which was given to FN in a glorious moment of karma.

I have had 2 dealings with Colt's cutomer service, one good, one REALLY bad. I mean REALLY bad. I haven't bought another Colt since. I figure I have given about $2700 to their competitors so far.
It is truly a testament to the fact that there is still a lot of distrust of Colts' products and customer service when people have to keep posting that Colts is doing better now. I get the impression that a lot of folks are trying very hard to convince themselves more than other people. The "I bought a new Colt and it is okay" threads are something you don't see so much of with other products unless they are questionable, such as maybe a Bersa Thunder or Series II Kimber. I swear, this all reads like some form of group therapy. Buy a new Colts, post a notice to the forums that you have it, that it is okay, and then everyone chimes with a group therapy welcome and then recapitulates stories of how they have Colts and they are okay as well, or will be soon.

Kimber has had this same issue as well AFTER they started putting those stupid new firing pin safeties on their guns. Somebody posts they bought a Series II Kimber and it works just fine as described and we all cringe just a little bit and wonder how long it will last.

And poor dsk, he reports on a new Colt (2 actually that he had seen) that somebody had taken a grinder to the inside to make it work right, leaving in the metal shavings, and Col. Colt complains that dsk is being unfair to Colts' product line. I don't know how unfair you can be when you find something that horrible. I thought dsk was pretty much kind and gentle in his treatment of the topic.

I don't get it. Colts has been making these things for more than 90 years, has made more than anybody else, and you would think that they had all the bugs worked out of the system by now. It isn't as if there have been any staggering changes in the 1911/1911A1 guns during that time.


New member
Colt did indeed make concessions to the Clinton Regime in return for the M4 contract, which was given to FN in a glorious moment of karma.
And what would those concessions be? Have any substantiating evidence? Anything at all?

Kentucky Rifle

New member
Beautiful Colt, Rod...

How do you like it? Feed everything? Do you use the mags that came with it, or did you buy Wilson's or something just as good? I'm starting to hear real good things regarding the new rollmark Colts! As a matter of fact, I don't remember one serious problem at our range. Great picture too! If you don't mind telling, just how much did that fine pistol set you back?:cool: Wow--Thanks!
