New Rifle for the better half.


New member
Well we have been looking for her a new gun for the past 3 months and finally got one yesterday. She picked out a H&R Varment with a 243 bull barrel. Got it home and installed a scope and sited it in, in the back yard. We ended up going to the ranch this morning to feed and she took a large yote at 90 yards. So to say the least she is super happy. trying to upload pics now.

James R. Burke

New member
Very good, give her some congradulations. I got my wife into deer hunting. Went with a Ruger No 1A light sporter in a .243. I reload, and the twist was correct so she been using Nosler 100 grain Parititions. Her first year she got a nice buck double lung pass thru, then filled her doe permit with a neck shot. She knows about shot placement real well, and let a few bucks walk worried about a good shot. Made me proud. A wounded deer is wouned no matter what you have. She is very safe, and fun to hunt with. She can stay out longer than me. I was surprized on how she got into it. She was always very competive. Has a matter of fact I had some heart work done, and she was the one that got me fired up, and back into it.


New member
Thanks for the reply. She loves to pig hunt. Here lately she has been taking them with a 220 Swift and 22-250 as that was all i had small enough for her to shoot. She is only 5.2 and about 105lbs. So we felt it was time to get another that fit her well and was large enough to take deer and large pigs. here is a quick pic sorry its from my phone.


And here is what she is after this year. She has been after this 10 point for 2 years.. and i have his sheds from 3 years now.



And the Pig she wants to take. but never see him at night. and only catch him on camera every 2-3 weeks. He is always alone.


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James R. Burke

New member
No doubt a nice deer, and hope she gets it. A couple of years ago I was posting thinking why I am I so close to were there coming to. The deer are on high alert you can't move etc. Where I hunt it is hard to fine a spot with some distance but I did. I am not real sure how far it is now just guessing I would say 85 to around 100 give or take. Since I made the change with more distance I am seeing lots of deer, and they are calm. The first year I go a so so eight, and filled a doe tag. Last year I had the combo lic for two, one needs three or more points on one side, and the other needs four or more on one side. I got a nice seven 156 on the scales, and a nice eight a little farther back 186 on the scales. So I think the distance paid off. My freinds that see the set up just freak when they see the range. But I am thinking what most of use are shooting, and sighted in for it really is not that long off a shot. Well I hope she gets that deer, and maybe it is bigger! Good luck.


New member
Finally,,, someone else who appreciates H&R rifles,,,,,

I own two and have the use of another,,,
They are just the coolest things.

Mine have been surprisingly accurate,,,
And are just plain fun to shoot.

Congrats on your new rifle and the yote.



New member
My hunting partner (a pretty good home gunsmith) was asked to perform some service work on a kid's H&R .243 because it suddenly developed accuracy problems. What he found out was that H&R makes their rifling pretty shallow and that it fouls easily. A good soaking with KG-12 copper remover and a stiff brush cleaned it up and got it shooting well again. Keep this in mind if you start to notice accuracy issues.